Tuesday, June 7, 2011


         Hello readers, I've been busy the past few days, so I'll try to update and catch up with you.
      Saturday was spent mostly with my amazing friends! We had a sleepover! Unfortunately one of my friends is moving, so that was the main reason. But we had a blast!
      Sunday was spent with my awesome parents! They do so much for me, they are truly unbelievable!
      Monday was a school day. Yes I still have school to do! Mainly reading and math. Unfortunately I can't stand math. And I love to read, but it does build on itself.
      And today. I can't tell you about ballet because my ballet is out! Yes, compleletly done for the year. Now for summer intensives. So today I went with my mom to her hair stylist. Have you heard about the lastest trend? Feathers? I want to get one! This trend is actually cool. But, I can't get one with my summer intensive, because they say no hair accessories. But, there are feather clips that look exactly like the real thing and you can take them on and off. I'm saving my money!
     Then we went shopping for clothes for the summer. I found the coolest shoes. They were boots, but the foot part, (get this,) was a flip flop! It was the coolest thing! I didn't get them, but still!
     I wound up getting a nightie, and the most gorgeous dress!!! Have you all seen Lemonade Mouth? I <3 that movie. The girl, Mo? It looks like somthing she would wear. It's navy with white polka dots and has a red belt.
     Book suggestion tommorrow!

      Courtney ^_^

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