Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Blog!!

                 Guess what! I am deciding to start a brand new blog. I miss blogging, and even if I can't post as often, I don't want to stop completely! I'll post a link here as soon as it's open.
            Now don't be sad about Ballet and Bento! It will still be here! And the new blog will have all the same features: The super-cute pics, the bento how-to's, quiz day, etc. Plus maybe a few new surprises! ;)
            Now that I've announced that, I need help. I'm trying to come up with a name for the new blog. Here's a list of what I've come up with:


"Ballet and Bento II"

"Bento and Battements"   *(Note: 'Battement' is a ballet step)

"Food and Fouettes"     *(Note: 'Fouettes' are one of my favorite ballet steps)

"The Dancing Bento"

            Here's where you come in! Leave a comment below telling me what name you like best! Or, tell me your own idea for a blog name! The name with the most votes or the most original will be the name of my new blog!

Super excited!

Courtney ^_^


  1. The Dancing Bento & Bento & Battements, but I like The Dancing Bento the best

  2. hey c its e<3 i miss u so much! definately dancing Bento!
