Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Been busy...but still here!

              Hello readers! I know, I'm super bad at posting every day. So today we're going to talk about random things. For starters, let's talk about anime/manga.
         Yet another thing that's Japanese! Anime and manga is cool because 1. It's easy to draw. And 2. It looks cool. Anime is a special style where the eyes are big, the hair is exaggerated, and the clothes are super cute. There aren't many rules, and you're required to bring your own style to it. Maybe I'll post some of my random anime/manga drawings here! What do you think of that? ^_^
        Now keep in mind anime/manga isn't for everybody. I have a friend who said and I quote:  "I don't like anime because the hair is always in they're face and the eyes are like, huge." Okay, so maybe it wasn't an exact quote, but close to it. So if you don't like it, that is perfectly acceptable.
        I have to go do something, so I'll update in a little bit. ^_^

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quiz Day!

                Hello readers! It's Thursday, which, (of course,) means it's quiz day! This week's quiz is...(dun dun dah!)

What part of a bento are you?

1. It's picture day and all the clubs are taking they're pictures. You...

a. Jump in anytime you see a picture being taken
b. Get your picture taken with the club your in
c. Make sure you're not in the picture when it's taken

2. At a party, you're usually...

a. The center of attention
b. Hanging with a few of your friends
c. The wall flower

3. When the teacher needs volunteers, you...

a. Volunteer right away
b. Volunteer after a few people have already volunteered
c. Don't volunteer at all

4. You usually hang out with...

a. No one in particular. I hang with someone diffrent everyday!
b. My close friends
c. Myself

5. My favorite kind of food is...

a. Spicy
b. Sweet
c. Not too spicy but not too sweet


Mostly a's
You're the life of the party! And the bento! 

Mostly b's
You may not be the center of attention in the bento, but you're still important!

Mostly c's
You may go unnoticed in the bento, but without you, it wouldn't be the same!

Well, that was this week's quiz! Did you enjoy it? What did you get? I got mostly b's. See you next week!

           Courtney ^_^

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Book Suggestion!

            Hello my amazing readers! I'm so happy because my blog got 4 pageviews yesterday. 4! Okay, so it's not that much, but don't rob me from my excitement.
        You know what happens on Wednesdays! And if you don't, don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Book suggestion day! This week's book suggestion is Tree Castle Island.
        It isn't a series, but it's still good. It's about this boy who goes down the Okefenokee in a canoe he made. He winds up with some bad luck, but he winds up finding out that he has a, actually, I shouldn't say this because it's one of the biggest turns in the book. So check out of your library and read it! Find out what I was going to say!
       Speaking of librarys, I need to head by mine. Oh! And if any of you have a book suggestion, post it in the comments! I will probably wind up reading it!

         Courtney ^_^

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

             Hello to my excellent readers! No one viewed yesterday, which is okay, I understand, I was gone for quite some time. So right now I'm talking to empty internet space. Which is kindof depressing, so hopefully the blog picks up again! It will probably pick up even more after the summer.
             I was going to tell you all about my intensive, but since no one's here, I'm not going to elaborate. but if you actually are reading this and have a question, leave me a comment, and I'll answer you! Who knows, maybe I'll even put your comment in this blog post!

           Salut! (At least until I get a comment ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm back!!!!

         Hello my wonderful readers! (Those of you that are left ;) I am finally back from my ballet intensive! It was amazing! I'll tell you more about it tommorrow.
         So, while I was gone, you all must have had an amazing summer as well, and still having one actually. So, I want to know ALL about how your summer has been! (And don't forget the part about how boring the internet was without any new posts on my blog ;D Just kidding, you don't have to tell me that. But if you do, I'm not complaining :)  
         Tommorrow I'll let you all ask questions about my intensive. And I'll tell you some things too of course! 

          Salut! (Don't forget to comment!)
           Courtney ^_^