Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quiz Day!

                Hello readers! It's Thursday, which, (of course,) means it's quiz day! This week's quiz is...(dun dun dah!)

What part of a bento are you?

1. It's picture day and all the clubs are taking they're pictures. You...

a. Jump in anytime you see a picture being taken
b. Get your picture taken with the club your in
c. Make sure you're not in the picture when it's taken

2. At a party, you're usually...

a. The center of attention
b. Hanging with a few of your friends
c. The wall flower

3. When the teacher needs volunteers, you...

a. Volunteer right away
b. Volunteer after a few people have already volunteered
c. Don't volunteer at all

4. You usually hang out with...

a. No one in particular. I hang with someone diffrent everyday!
b. My close friends
c. Myself

5. My favorite kind of food is...

a. Spicy
b. Sweet
c. Not too spicy but not too sweet


Mostly a's
You're the life of the party! And the bento! 

Mostly b's
You may not be the center of attention in the bento, but you're still important!

Mostly c's
You may go unnoticed in the bento, but without you, it wouldn't be the same!

Well, that was this week's quiz! Did you enjoy it? What did you get? I got mostly b's. See you next week!

           Courtney ^_^

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