Thursday, January 26, 2012

Super Quiz Day!

          Hello readers! I have a surprise for you! This week's quiz is a SUPER quiz! Are you ready? Let's go!


1. How would you describe your style?

A. Unique
B. Misunderstood
C. Preppy
D. Cheerful
E. Cool
F. Fun
G. Simple

2. Your favorite place to chill is:

A. My room
B. The library
C. A cute store
D. The beach
E. The local pizza place
F. Anywhere with your friends
G. On the couch

3. During your free time, you like to:

A. Think
B. Read
C. Shop
D. Have fun!
E. Dance
F. Doing something with friends
G. Cook

4.Your favorite kind of book is:

A. Sci-fi
B. Mystery
C. Romance
D. Fantasy
E. A popular series
F. Adventure
G. Instruction books

5. Your favorite ballet role is:

A. Odette (The white swan)
B. Odile (The black swan)
C. Fairy of Beauty (Or the Fairy of the Crystal Fountain)
D. Canary Fairy (Or the Fairy of Song)
E. Sugarplum Fairy
F. Firebird
G. Emeralds (from Jewels)


Mostly A's: Your tutu is white!

Mostly B's: A black tutu is perfect for you!

Mostly C's: Your perfect tutu is pink!

Mostly D's: Yellow would be a great color tutu for you!

Mostly E's: A purple tutu fits you!

Mostly F's: Orange is the tutu color for you!

Mostly G's: Green fits to your perfect tutu color!

So, how did you like the quiz? My tutu is pink hehe! What did you get?

Courtney / .   .\
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