Friday, January 27, 2012

Book Suggestion

           Alright readers, as some of you may remember, I used to do book suggestions every Wednesday. I'm going to start that back up again, but we're going to have it on Friday instead.
       So this week's book suggestion is Geek Charming by Robin Palmer. This book is about Castle Heights High's most popular girl, Dylan, and what happens when Josh, a film geek, starts a documentary about her and high school popularity. Soon she becomes friends with Josh, much against the approval of the popular crowd. Soon she starts to realize the popularity she worked so hard for may not be what she really wants.
        I thought this book was really good. So good I finished it in one night! It switches from Dylan to Josh every other chapter, giving you both their views of the situation. The book seems to end at the right time, with everyone contented. Another reason I liked it is that the end is quite satisfactory. It doesn't leave you wondering what could possibly happened, but you're glad you read it.
        So, on a different note, who's ready for the weekend? I know I am!
Courtney /  . . \
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