Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This Week in Voicemails!

           So readers, if any of you remember Yumi Shimizu's 'Let's Happy Bento' blog, you'll recognize this segment! Yumi's blog is what actually inspired me to start this blog! Unfortunately, Yumi had to stop blogging. :(
       Anyways, something Yumi used to do on her blog was This Week in Voicemails! So, that's what we're going to do today!
       My first voicemail is from my friend, E____. E____ is a very fun person, and her voicemails tend to reflect this...kind of.

      "Uh, hey Courtney,'s E____ I just wanted you and...see if your still sick and, see how you're doing and...I hope you get better if your still sick. Um, bye!"

      That's really touching! I appriciate her calling. It's always nice to feel loved! ^_^
      Our next message is also from E____. I think we'll skip it since we already saw the last one.
      Our next message is from my other friend...but I'm not really sure who it is since they didn't say who it was! Anyway, here it is:

      "Hi Courtney! Um...I was just calling, to...catch up! I haven't seen you in a while. Um, I was also wondering why you're voicemail is in Spanish., yeah. ...Why do you say buenos dias? like.....okay, well..."

      I really wish I knew who that was! I guess should call back and find out, huh? Oh, before I do I think I'll answer her questions. Just in case she checks here before I call her.

"Um, I was wondering why your voicemail is in Spanish."


"Why do you say buenos dias?"

Actually, it's in English. But, it's with a Japanese accent, so it might be a little hard to understand. Here's a subtitle of my voicemail!

"Hello! Not in. Bye bye!"

Well, that's been This Week in Voicemails! On a related note, I'm going to go call the mystery number and change my voicemail message.


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