Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bad news!

   Yes readers, there is some bad news. And unfortunatly, I must share it. So I won't prolong it any longer. Here it is:


     I know, I'm upset about it too. Because I'm going to a ballet intensive this summer, and I'll be staying in a dorm, I may not have acess to a computer. Which means aside from the friends I make up there, I will be cut off from the world. The regular world anyway. I'll be in the ballet world. Which actually isn't bad.
    But don't worry! When I get back from my intensive, I'll be sure to pick up and proceed as usual. So...

       Courtney ^_^

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Get to know Courtney!

    Hello my amazing readers! Today is Sunday, so I'll be answering your questions! (About me, life, ballet, food, whatever. As long as it's within reason)  So go ahead and leave a comment and I'll post it here and answer you!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


      Hello readers! Today after ballet class, I decided to make a bento for lunch. And I remembered to take a picture of it for you! Here it is:

           This is more of a colorful bento. Here is how to make in case you'd like to try:

1.  Slice an orange in half and place in your bento box. (This box can be any container, just as long as everything fits compactly)

2. Fill a paper cupcake holder with carrots and then place beside orange.

3. Take two chocolate doughnuts and place them each in a paper cupcake holder.

4. Place a mini-baguette in your bento.

      And that's it! Simple right? I'll probably do some more bentos and with practice, soon you'll be able to create your own bentos!

       Courtney ^_^

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quiz Day!

It's Thursday and you know what that means! It's Quiz Day! This week's quiz is:

What bento are you?

1. Time to get dressed! What do you put on?
   (a A cute polka-dot skirt and a penguin shirt
   (b Anything in my closet that's pink. or green. or yellow. or red. What are we talking about again?
   (c Who knows? As long as it's clean and it fits

2. You go to a little cafe that has literally almost every dessert on the planet. What do you get?
   (a A cupcake made to look like a little bunny
   (b A slice of cake that has colors swirled on the inside
   (c A brownie

3. It's the weekend and your getting ready to go to a movie with friends. What's your hair currently doing?
   (a Completing my outfit with little pigtails
   (b Rockin' out with an updo I saw somewhere
   (c Just chillin'

4. Your at library. What book do you pick up?
   (a Something with pictures!
   (b Anything, as long as it's interesting and appropriate
   (c Read? Um, you go ahead. I'll be in the movies section...

5. It's time for the school's Fall Fair and the volunteer sheets are up! What do you sign up for?
   (a Something where everyone can see my cute outfit!
   (b The dunk tank! I love getting wet and it'll be fun!
   (c I don't know. I'll probably just sell tickets or something


Mostly A's
You are cute bento! Everything is cute and sweet and downright adorable!

Mostly B's
You are colorful bento! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, and even indigo are included!

Mostly C's
You are traditional bento! Normal but classy and still cool!

So that's today's quiz! What did you get? Oh, and a non-related question, what color do you consider chartreuse? I personally say it's lime green.

      Courtney ^_^

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Book suggestion...and oriental food!

   Hello readers! I know, I know, I haven't blogged in the past few days, but I've been busy. Monday I was going to upload a cute pic, but I haven't gotten the chance. So today I'm going to talk to you about a book suggestion. And a surprise topic, oriental food! Well, not really food, but oriental sweets.
   So for our book suggestion, we have Kingdom Keepers II. (That's two, or 2, for people who can't read Roman numerals. Don't worry. It takes me 2 minutes to figure out which king they're talking about when I read a history book.) Yes, there is a second book in the series. And a third. And a fourth! And Ridley Pearson is writing a fifth. And thinking about a sixth. And the seventh is lingering in the distance. So check out the series!
   And now about oriental sweets. Mainly Japanese. Actually mostly Japanese. Actually, ALL Japanese! I like Japanese things. (Like bento!) So our first Japanese sweet is mochi. (MO-CHEE.) It's like this little thick ball thing, which is covered in a gelatin like thing, which is covered in a powder. It is really good! At first you may think it's bitter, (compared to our American sweets. Which I guess we have made in China alot, but you know what I mean. It's our recipe.) Where was I, oh yeah! You may think it's bitter, but you get used to it and you don't have to eat alot of it. And it comes in lots of different flavors!
   And our second Japanese sweet is called Hi-Chew. It's kind of like gum, except you don't chew it as long, and it's naturally flavored. It comes in alot of flavors too! Like strawberry, grape, green apple, and mango to name a few.
    Now don't go thinking I'm dissing other countries' sweets. My friend has alot of German in her so she goes to Germany and brings chocolate back for me and my friends at ballet. It is some of the best chocolate I think. And of course France had creme brulee, Italy has gelato, and I need to stop naming food because I'm going to make myself hungry and I have ballet.

     Courtney ^_^

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I figured it out!

Woo hoo! I figured out the comments! So you can now comment on my posts! And so now I am going to let you comment and ask questions! (If you want.) And I will check back every so often to answer them.
I would say Salut! But I'm not in case I get a question and answer it.

I honestly have no clue...

       Well readers, I was hoping that the comments would be up and I could answer your questions you left, but as you can see that's not possible. :(. And I was going to post a picture of my bento, but I didn't take a picture and I got hungry today, so needless to say, that won't be happening either.
       Oh! I almost forgot. My ballet show was yesterday! It went really well. And at the end, even though I just sat in the back, (me and two others), everyone clapped super loud for us! I found that funny!

I can't think of anything else to say about it! But I'll post tommorrow! (hopefully!)

      Courtney ^_^

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quiz Day!

It's Thursday which means it's Quiz Day! This week's quiz is:

Which ballet role suits you best?

1. In the morning I like to:
  (a  Do chores
  (b  Read
  (c  Dance!

2. If I could chose a place to live it would be:
   (a  A castle
   (b  A cottage
   (c  A gypsy camp

3. My friends say I'm:
   (a  Nice
   (b  Curious
   (c  Energetic

4. Of these colors I like:
   (a  Pink
   (b  Yellow
   (c  Red

5. I would wear:
   (a  A tutu
   (b  A blouse and skirt
   (c  A dress


Mostly A's
  Nice and sweet, Cinderella is the perfect role for you!

Mostly B's
  Cute and Curious, Swanilda in Coppeila is your role!

Mostly C's
  Fun and Feisty, Kitri in Don Quixote fits you perfectly!

Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Be sure to check back next week for another quiz! (Oh, and I got Cinderella in case you were wondering!)

      Courtney ^_^

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Book Suggestion

I have to be quick today readers!

   And speaking of reading, I have a book suggestion for you! Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark. It is extremely good! It is basically about five teens who wake up in Disney World at night and fight overtakers. Epic right??? If you're interested you can just look it up online, and the author is Ridley Pearson.

On a related note, I have books due at the library tommorrow. :|

      Courtney ^_^

I don't own the Kingdom Keepers or Disney World or any of that.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello blog readers!
   Today, I'm going to talk about ballet. Since yesterday was Monday, the beginning of the week, I'm going to tell you how ballet class went.
   Let's just say class was amazing! We used Christmas music. CHRISTMAS! Probably for Christmas in July. Though it's not Christmas, and it's not July.
:(. I love Christmas in July. It's one of my favorite holidays. Maybe cause everyone underestimates it.
   And we had rehersal. Our last one! We're having a show and I'm very excited about it! And I'm making a bento for the show too! (Since we have a break between stage rehersal and the actual show). But don't worry! I'll take a picture of it and post it afterwards.

Well that's it! Tommorow I have a busy day since I have art class AND ballet, so I may just give you all a book suggestion so you can read to make up for lack of postage on the blog.
        Courtney ^_^

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I am so excited!!!

Did you read the title? Well, did you? If not, I'll read it for you. I am so excited!!! Why? Because of this blog! I'm excited to be sharing with you my opinions. Or just random things I feel like telling you. I don't know. Any way, here is a list of things you need to know about me if you're going to be reading this blog:

1. My name is Courtney.
2. I love ballet.
3. I like bento.

Well that's it!
Salut! (That's french for bye!)
        Courtney ^_^