Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quiz Day!

It's Thursday and you know what that means! It's Quiz Day! This week's quiz is:

What bento are you?

1. Time to get dressed! What do you put on?
   (a A cute polka-dot skirt and a penguin shirt
   (b Anything in my closet that's pink. or green. or yellow. or red. What are we talking about again?
   (c Who knows? As long as it's clean and it fits

2. You go to a little cafe that has literally almost every dessert on the planet. What do you get?
   (a A cupcake made to look like a little bunny
   (b A slice of cake that has colors swirled on the inside
   (c A brownie

3. It's the weekend and your getting ready to go to a movie with friends. What's your hair currently doing?
   (a Completing my outfit with little pigtails
   (b Rockin' out with an updo I saw somewhere
   (c Just chillin'

4. Your at library. What book do you pick up?
   (a Something with pictures!
   (b Anything, as long as it's interesting and appropriate
   (c Read? Um, you go ahead. I'll be in the movies section...

5. It's time for the school's Fall Fair and the volunteer sheets are up! What do you sign up for?
   (a Something where everyone can see my cute outfit!
   (b The dunk tank! I love getting wet and it'll be fun!
   (c I don't know. I'll probably just sell tickets or something


Mostly A's
You are cute bento! Everything is cute and sweet and downright adorable!

Mostly B's
You are colorful bento! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, and even indigo are included!

Mostly C's
You are traditional bento! Normal but classy and still cool!

So that's today's quiz! What did you get? Oh, and a non-related question, what color do you consider chartreuse? I personally say it's lime green.

      Courtney ^_^


  1. Woo hoo! Have you noticed? There's more than a week's worth of posts! Thanks so much for reading my blog!

    (I'm serious about the chartruese. It IS green right?)


  2. GREEN! and what Bento did you get?

  3. Thanks for commenting Anon! I can't beleive I forgot to say which bento I got! I got cute bento. And thanks for reading my blog!

