Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hello blog readers!
   Today, I'm going to talk about ballet. Since yesterday was Monday, the beginning of the week, I'm going to tell you how ballet class went.
   Let's just say class was amazing! We used Christmas music. CHRISTMAS! Probably for Christmas in July. Though it's not Christmas, and it's not July.
:(. I love Christmas in July. It's one of my favorite holidays. Maybe cause everyone underestimates it.
   And we had rehersal. Our last one! We're having a show and I'm very excited about it! And I'm making a bento for the show too! (Since we have a break between stage rehersal and the actual show). But don't worry! I'll take a picture of it and post it afterwards.

Well that's it! Tommorow I have a busy day since I have art class AND ballet, so I may just give you all a book suggestion so you can read to make up for lack of postage on the blog.
        Courtney ^_^

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