Saturday, May 28, 2011


      Hello readers! Today after ballet class, I decided to make a bento for lunch. And I remembered to take a picture of it for you! Here it is:

           This is more of a colorful bento. Here is how to make in case you'd like to try:

1.  Slice an orange in half and place in your bento box. (This box can be any container, just as long as everything fits compactly)

2. Fill a paper cupcake holder with carrots and then place beside orange.

3. Take two chocolate doughnuts and place them each in a paper cupcake holder.

4. Place a mini-baguette in your bento.

      And that's it! Simple right? I'll probably do some more bentos and with practice, soon you'll be able to create your own bentos!

       Courtney ^_^

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