Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quiz Day!

It's Thursday which means it's Quiz Day! This week's quiz is:

Which ballet role suits you best?

1. In the morning I like to:
  (a  Do chores
  (b  Read
  (c  Dance!

2. If I could chose a place to live it would be:
   (a  A castle
   (b  A cottage
   (c  A gypsy camp

3. My friends say I'm:
   (a  Nice
   (b  Curious
   (c  Energetic

4. Of these colors I like:
   (a  Pink
   (b  Yellow
   (c  Red

5. I would wear:
   (a  A tutu
   (b  A blouse and skirt
   (c  A dress


Mostly A's
  Nice and sweet, Cinderella is the perfect role for you!

Mostly B's
  Cute and Curious, Swanilda in Coppeila is your role!

Mostly C's
  Fun and Feisty, Kitri in Don Quixote fits you perfectly!

Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Be sure to check back next week for another quiz! (Oh, and I got Cinderella in case you were wondering!)

      Courtney ^_^

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