Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Book suggestion...and oriental food!

   Hello readers! I know, I know, I haven't blogged in the past few days, but I've been busy. Monday I was going to upload a cute pic, but I haven't gotten the chance. So today I'm going to talk to you about a book suggestion. And a surprise topic, oriental food! Well, not really food, but oriental sweets.
   So for our book suggestion, we have Kingdom Keepers II. (That's two, or 2, for people who can't read Roman numerals. Don't worry. It takes me 2 minutes to figure out which king they're talking about when I read a history book.) Yes, there is a second book in the series. And a third. And a fourth! And Ridley Pearson is writing a fifth. And thinking about a sixth. And the seventh is lingering in the distance. So check out the series!
   And now about oriental sweets. Mainly Japanese. Actually mostly Japanese. Actually, ALL Japanese! I like Japanese things. (Like bento!) So our first Japanese sweet is mochi. (MO-CHEE.) It's like this little thick ball thing, which is covered in a gelatin like thing, which is covered in a powder. It is really good! At first you may think it's bitter, (compared to our American sweets. Which I guess we have made in China alot, but you know what I mean. It's our recipe.) Where was I, oh yeah! You may think it's bitter, but you get used to it and you don't have to eat alot of it. And it comes in lots of different flavors!
   And our second Japanese sweet is called Hi-Chew. It's kind of like gum, except you don't chew it as long, and it's naturally flavored. It comes in alot of flavors too! Like strawberry, grape, green apple, and mango to name a few.
    Now don't go thinking I'm dissing other countries' sweets. My friend has alot of German in her so she goes to Germany and brings chocolate back for me and my friends at ballet. It is some of the best chocolate I think. And of course France had creme brulee, Italy has gelato, and I need to stop naming food because I'm going to make myself hungry and I have ballet.

     Courtney ^_^

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