Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This Week In Voicemails!

       Happy February readers! It's time to dive back into my voice mailbox and see who called! (Not to mention who I need to call back ^_^)
       So our first voicemail is from some of my friends. Here it is:

        "[voice #1] Oh, just kidding, um, no...okay, um. [voice #2] Oh wait found it! Oh, hello? [voice #1] Hello? *Deafening laughter* [voice #2] Okay we'll call you back bye!"

       Okay, aside from reducing the volume of sound in my left ear, this voicemail has proved very entertaining.  NEXT VOICEMAIL! Oh sorry, I mean... next voicemail!
       This one is from my three friends D____, E____, and K_____. (In no particular order ;) Here it is:

       "Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Meap! Why'd you say meap??!! *laughter* Merp! Meap! Meerrrpp! Meap! *end voicemail with loud sounds*"

        Um...I'm not quite sure what to say about this one, so on to the next voicemail!!!
        Returning in their latest voicemail, it's E____ and D____! Let's see what they have to say this time!

       "[E] Hi Courtney, I appreciated you putting your voicemail down, because now I understand that it says hello, not in, bye bye.  Uh...[D] It is definitely not a Japanese accent. It still sounds like a Spanish accent to me. [E] I don't know what it sounds like. *D and E continue talking for a while about accents.* [E] Okay, bye!"

         Your welcome E____! And by the way...your conversation with D____ about accents thoroughly entertained me!

              Well, this has been This Week In Voicemails! Be sure to come back tommorrow for quiz day!

Courtney |^__^|

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