Sunday, February 5, 2012


            It's Bentoday! (aka-Sunday ;)  So for this bento you'll need:

PB&J sandwich---Peanut butter, jelly, and bread

Pop Tarts---Cut into fun shapes



Here's the picture:

              Okay birdies, stop being so cute for a minute that way I can tell our readers how to make their own birdie bento!

         Alright! So first I cut my PB&J into circles and placed them in the bento. I then placed the Pop Tarts in the bento. I made my Pop Tarts stars, but you can make them any shape you want.
         Then I filled in any extra space with cherries and pretzels. You can use whatever you though, like chips, sunflower seeds, or anything really!
         Now comes the fun part-making the ordinary circle PB&J into a cute birdie! I had some mango, and I used parts of it to make the feathers on top of their heads. You can use anything like that really, and make your birdies whatever color you like! I layered chocolate, bread, and a tiny bit of chocolate to make the eyes. And for the beak I added a tiny sunflower seed! You can use a piece of a chip though, a Cheeto, or whatever you have.
         And voila! You have a cute little birdie bento! That's it for today. I am pretty worn out. See you tomorrow for The Cute, the Adorable, and the Lovable!

Keep Bento-ing!

    Courtney ^_^

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