Monday, February 6, 2012

The Cute, the Adorable, and the Lovable!

           Well readers, it's Monday again, the start of a new week. (Not to mention school) Plus, it's raining. Rain I think is very soothing, (not to mention fun to go out and get wet sometimes :) but sometimes it can be depressing and make you just want to go back to sleep. :\
            On the bright side, to help lighten your Monday, it's time for...


        This week's challenger is Hermie the turtle!

              Awww, I think Hermie's even smiling for the camera! Alright, how can we make Hermie even cuter??? (Or is it more cute??? ;D )
              Well, maybe we can dress him up as cupid! You know, since Valentine's Day is coming up soon.

            W.O.W. Who knew a turtle looked so cute in pink?? This is just perfect for Valentine's Day! I especially love the little heart headband! ^_^

        Well, that's it for this week's segment of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Lovable! Oh! And be sure to send in a picture you think is cute, adorable, and lovable! (Or just one of these) Just e-mail your cute picture with the title of it to and I could wind up using it for next week's post!

Stay cute!
   Courtney ^_^

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