Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Facebook 20!

      Welcome back readers! Today, we're going to talk about facebook. (What? When I say 'everything in between' I mean it! ^_^)      So, you have a facebook, but you're completely bored. Am I right? Don't worry, it happens to everyone! I mean, you can't stare at a news feed all day hoping something interesting comes up! So to help you with your boredom, here's 20 things you can do on facebook!

1. Keep changing your birthday to whatever day it is! See who keeps wishing you a happy birthday, and who actually realizes your little prank :)

2. Create a page for something random, like your fav pair of shoes, your refrigerator, your hair, or maybe even a friend who doesn't have a facebook. (Make sure that's a page, not an account. You're not supposed to have an account for someone when it's not you.) Then get all your friends to like the page!

3. Post the alphabet on a friend's wall. One letter per post. It's best if you start with 'Z' cause then when your friend scrolls down, it will start from A. *Note* This probably will annoy your friend.

4. Make your profile picture you taking a picture of yourself with your phone in the mirror. It seems like that's everyone's profile pic these days!

5. Search your friend's profiles for more pages to like!

6. If you like the page 'Daily Random Facts' you'll get a random fact in your news feed everyday.

7. Check out the page '*Very Clean* Funny Pics'. They have some great pics up!

8. Find a fun app! There are so many games and apps, you just have to find one! My current fav is 'Smiley Daily' where you can post your mood to your friends with a cute little smiley!

9. Create a facebook account for your pet! It's fun to put their fav movies, interests, and more!

10. Organize your facebook friends. If your really bored you can organize your friends to specific groups and lists.

11. Create a challenge for your friends! Make it a note or facebook status and see who does it! You can even do it yourself if you want!

12. Change your language setting to English (Pirate). You can view your mateys (friends), ship (profile), fire at someone (poke), and see your Arrrrrrs! (likes.)

13. Do a note that a friend sent you and pass it on!

14. Post on a friend's wall: "Bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother...."

15. Post song lyrics as your status. Practically everyone does it!

16. Get timeline. Some people can't stand it, (I'm actually one of those people and am now stuck with it, hehe) but some really like it!

17. Comment on a friend's REALLY old photo/video.

18. Update your 'About Me.' You can add stuff from your fav book or movie. For example:

"I'm on the dark side"   or

"I go to a girl's boarding school for spys, but shhh!! It's a secret!" or

"I'm a vesper!" or

"Has anyone seen my ruby slippers?"  

*Bonus points if you knew all those references!

19. Set a fav quote as your status.

20. Answer/ask a question. There's a special poll version of your status available that you can use to ask your question and add answers. Or answer one a friend/page asked!

     Well, I hope this helped you! Maybe it can help you stay "un-bored" until tomorrow! You know, quiz day!! See you then!

Courtney ^_^

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