Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Day In My Closet!

           It's time for a brand new Saturday segment here on the blog. It's called....


           Here's how it works: I'll show you a picture of some items I randomly picked from my closet. I'll tell you a little about it, and some ideas for it. Then you can go to the comments section and tell me what you think about each of the items! You can say whether you think I should keep it, give it away, or break out my creative-ness to make it look cooler!
       So for our first item we have a skirt!

             This is one of my favorite skirts. I LOVE polka-dot prints. Plus it's perfect for when you can't decide whether to dress more fancy or more casual. As for improving it, I can't really think of anything. Maybe some net underneath it? Although it's already great as it is, in my opinion.
         Our next item is a shirt that I made. Well, I didn't actually make it, but I added the anchor to it.

            This shirt is great for a day at the beach or on a boat. Plus since it's a tank, it's great for summer. I'm not sure if it's one of my favorites or not. But I do like it.

        So what do you think, any improvement ideas on these two items? Should I keep them both? Tell me in the comments section! (Or you can e-mail me. Either one works.)  Hope you enjoyed this week's A Day In My Closet!

Courtney ^_^

P.S- I found a really cool phone in the garage. I know I know, "Who needs that with a cell?" But with a little paint, nail polish, and some love, it could be a great decorative addition. Maybe I'll post how to paint your own phone later! (Note: NOT your cell phone :-) )

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