Monday, March 12, 2012

Bento Week: Day 1

           It's the first day of Bento Week! I'm going to show you a picture of today's bento and tell you how to make it!
       But first, since it's Monday, it's time for The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! Since St. Patrick's Day is on Friday, Nick the westie is all prepared-if he was awake!

            Awww, isn't that cute? Happy Early St. Patrick's Day everyone!

        Alright, now on to bento. Here's today's bento!

            This bento has:

1. Strawberries                2. Bananas        3. Cupcake Holder      

4. Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich      

 5. Lotte Kanchos (These are little oriental cookie-thingys with chocolate in them. You can use anything you want, like chocolate chips maybe.)

         Alright, so if you want to make this bento, First, you'll need to mentally separate the container into three sections surrounding the center.

         Next, put the strawberries into the bottom right section.

         Then put the bananas in the bottom left section.

         Now cut your peanut butter and jelly sandwich into fun shapes with a cookie cutter! Then place the shapes in the top section.

         Almost done! Now, put the cupcake holder in the center of the sections. Then fill it with Lotte Kanchos or chocolate chips or whatever you want!

         And there you go! You have bento! If you make it, I'd love to see your pictures! E-mail them to me at!

Until tomorrow!


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