Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bento Week: Day 3

           All right readers, are you ready for day three of Bento Week? Let's go ahead and get started then!

             All right! Now for this bento, you will need:

1. Strawberries     2. Bananas     3. Carrots    

4. Hello Pandas (These are cookies filled with chocolate. You can use what you want to though.)

5. A Wrap of your choice     6. Trail Mix     7. Cupcake Holder

         Ready to learn how to make it? Here's how:

1. Place your wrap in the bottom right of your bento box.

2. Fill the cupcake holder with trail mix.

3. Put it next to the wrap.

4. Fill the other half of your bento with Hello Pandas or whatever you're using.

5. This next part gets a little tricky. To create a 'faux-sushi' I cut the strawberries into slices. Then I cut a little hole in the middle of them. After that, I cut a banana to the correct size to fit inside the hole. Then I cut super tiny pieces of carrot and stuck two into the banana at different angles.

6. Put your 'faux-sushi' in on top of the Hello Pandas.

         And then you're done! The 'faux-sushi' is tricky, but can look pretty cool. Maybe I'll do it in a future bento so you can get more practice!

         If you make this bento or even you're very own inspired by this, I'd love to see it! Send me a picture to and it might end up on the blog! (With credit to you of course!)

Until tomorrow!

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