Thursday, March 8, 2012

Quiz Day!

           Welcome back readers! It's time for a brand new quiz! This week's quiz will be a little different. And easy. Are you ready? This week's quiz is:


1. Quick! Pick your favorite of these colors:

A. Red                         B. Yellow

C. Blue                        D. Green

E. Orange                     F. Black

G. White                      H. Purple

I. Pink


A: Red means that you love excitement and action. Your feelings can be very intense.

B: If you like yellow, that means that you are carefree and like to look on the bright side!

C: Blue shows that you are organized and a loyal friend.

D: You are full of energy and ready to try new things if you like green!

E: Like orange? You are satisfied with your life. You also like to do good deeds and get things accomplished.

F: If black is your favorite color, then you are serious and make a good leader.

G: White, right? You are honest and try to do things right. You also like things to be neat and clean.

H: Purple! Purple means that you are creative, witty, and love to fantasize.

I: And last but not least, pink! Pink signifys that your feelings are important to you and can be easily hurt. You love to daydream.


       So? Did you like it? What is your favorite color? I bet you can guess mine! ^_^


1 comment:

  1. its e is ur fav color purple? mine is green:)
