Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bento Week: Day 4

           Wow, day four of Bento Week already! Plus it's Thursday, so you get a quiz too!
        Let's start off with the bento, okay?

               Alright, for this bento you'll need:

1. A Sandwich (of your choice)     2. Cheese     3. Cupcake Holder    

4. Mochi (if you don't have mochi, which you can find at most Asian markets, you can use a doughnut, or a small pastry or something)

5. Apple     6. Raisins

           Now, how to assemble this bento:

1. Take your apple and slice a quarter of it off. Then place it into the bottom right corner of your bento box.

2. Place the cupcake holder above the apple.

3. Cut the cheese into small squares and put them inside the cupcake holder.

4. Now take your sandwich and cut it into a triangle shape using kitchen scissors.

5. Use the raisins to make a cool face on your sandwich. Then put it in the top left corner, next to the cheese.

6. Place the mochi in the remaining corner.

7. Enjoy!

          What did you think of today's bento? If you make it, I would love to see a picture! Send me one at  and it might end up here! (Be sure to include your first name so I can give you credit!)

           Alright, so for Bento Week, we're going to do a bento related quiz! Are you ready for...


1. You have to pack a lunch for tomorrow and you're still working on homework that's due. You:

A. Stop and fix up some cute looking eggs, colorful fruits, and fun-shaped veggies!

B. Fill a container with half salad and half fruits, and add some raisins in a cool shape to make it look interesting.

C. Throw some leftovers in a lunchbox and draw a smile face on your banana peel.

2. You like your bacon and eggs arranged:

A. Like a happy face.

B. Separate from each other.

C. It doesn't matter.

3. It's your friend's birthday! While she leaves the table, you:

A. Arrange her lunch to look like a kitty cat and to say HB.

B. Put your present on the table next to her drink to make it look like eyes.

C. Give her your present once she gets back.

4. You're starving, and you need food now! You:

A. Cut a pop-tart into fun shapes before you eat it.

B. Grab some goldfish. They already have smiles!

C. Snatch an orange from the fridge. It's more important that you eat!

5. Ice cream time! You're putting on chocolate sauce, so you:

A. Put it on in a cool pattern.

B. Try putting it on like you see chefs doing all the time on food network, but wind up watching it slide together anyway.

C. Pour it on.


Mostly A's: You are a bento extraordinaire! You know that food tastes better if it looks neat, so you make an effort to make it as colorful, cute, and interesting as possible! Great job!

Mostly B's: You are a good bento maker! You can make bento, but sometimes things just don't turn out the way you want to. Don't get upset, just keep up the good work, and you'll be a bento extraordinaire in no time!

Mostly C's: Keep practicing! You can make amazing bentos if you just try! Try following a recipe for a little, and pretty soon you'll be creating your own elaborate bentos!


Well, that was this week's quiz! See you tomorrow!


P.S: What do you think of a bento cookbook by yours truly?

1 comment:

  1. Cookbook? Yes. But not before you finish your novels.=)
