Monday, November 28, 2011

The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable

           It's time for...The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! This week's super-cute challenger is...Spike the Cockatiel!

             WOW. Who knew a bird could be so cute? Hmmmm....I wonder how cute he would be as a super hero?

           It's super-cute Spike to the rescue! I know, bad pun. But look at that, you have to admit, it is really cute. So, next week we'll have a new challenger on, The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

Courtney ^_^

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha! He's cute. I can't decide which is cuter, the bird or the dog.

    Hey, I really like your blog. I think you should let more people know about it.
