Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stories and Ideas

                 Okay, so usually I post a book review on Wednesdays, but this week I'm going to try something different.
           As you may or may not know, aside from ballet, bento, art, and super cute things, I love writing stories! The problem is, I come up with lots of ideas, and I don't know which one to choose! So I decided I would let you read my favorite ideas and pick which one you would like to read about! (These are all my story ideas and titles and not up for grabs ;)

Art Gallery --- This is about when an art mueseum closes for the night and all the people come out of the portrait, like Mona Lisa, the Blue Boy, etc.

Academy of Advanced Arts -- Fondly known as the Academy of Challenged Academics by those that go there, this is about five high schoolers at a boarding school for those advanced in the arts. This would be a long series, but short books.

Perched -- What happens when the bird council gets together? Calm talking, outrageous squawking, and comedy ensue!

Flat -- This is about a "planet" in the future that is flat.

Fantasy -- This would not be the title, but the genre. I'm not quite sure about the plot, but I know it would include a vampire elf, a fairy, a goddess, and a princess thats impossible to please!

            So, what's your favorite idea? Leave me a comment and help me decide which story to write! Or, if you have an idea of your own, let me know about it!*


*Votes will be counted by me. Original ideas will also be counted by me. Results be posted next Wednesday or when I finish counting the votes. 

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