Friday, November 25, 2011

Fantasic Fridays!

                 Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I sure did! Nothing is like spending a holiday with your family!
           Anyway, now back to the blog, it's time for a Fantasic Friday Feature! Since we didn't have quiz day yesterday, we're gonna have one today! This week's quiz is:

Are you a sumo, ninja, or a clown?

1. Lunch time! What's on today's menu?

A. Some fruit punch, laffy taffy, and a PB&J

B. That's classified.

C. 4 sandwhiches, some milk, 2 apples, and 3 cookies

2. You're "lounge around the house oufit" is:

A. A pair of polka dot pants, huge slippers, and an over-sized T-shirt

B. Anything black

C. A tank top and some loose shorts

3. And the matching hair style?

A. Braids

B. A long sleek ponytail

C. A funky updo

4. Oh no! You slept through your alarm and it's about five minutes to class. What do you do?

A. Come up with a funny excuse for the teacher

B. Get ready in five seconds flat and get there on time

C. Go back to sleep

5. Your fav animal?

A. Penguin

B. Snake

C. Bear


Mostly A's: You're the clown! You are funny, lovable, and have a positive outlook on life!

Mostly B's: You're the ninja! You are cool, stealthlike and mysterious.

Mostly C's: You're the sumo! You are loads of fun and people love being around you! (Even if they didn't, they wouldn't dare mention it!)

           Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Come back next week for another one! And be sure to comment about which book you think I should write!



  1. Cool quiz. I'm a clown.....ha ha. What are yu?

  2. Thanks Anon! Glad you enjoyed the quiz! I'm a clown too! ^_^
