Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

           Happy New Year everybody! Today I was browsing on the internet for cute New Year's pics. I found this cute wallpaper! It had a little tiger with sparklers! You can find a link to it on the facebook page.
       But anyway, it made me want to make my own New Year's wallpaper. And you know what? I did! Here it is:

             What do you think? I drew it myself in 'Paint'.  This is now my wallpaper. You can use it as your desktop background too!
         Well, I've gotta go. Can't wait for fondue, meatballs, and asparagus tonight!

Courtney ^_^

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dessert Exists!

          Hey everybody! Today I visited my favorite tea room, The Garden View Tea Room! (With a gift card :D) So while I was drinking my vanilla Earl Grey tea, (which was delicious,) I thought, Why not take pictures for the blog? So I did! These are two of the desserts I had.

           This is one of the tea cakes I had. There was an icing rose on top, but I ate that before I took the picture ^_^

             This is the Garden View Tea Room's signature pastry. A swan! It's a really light pastry with a white chocolate mousse filling!
         Tommorrow I might make some new T-shirts. I got a lot of inspiration today! I'll keep you all posted!

Courtney ^_^

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Shirt!

           Hello everyone! Yesterday I told you that I might post some pics of my Christmas presents, so here we go! Last year, I got a cool T-shirt designer with fabric markers, a jeweler/studder, and a book of ideas. So this year I asked for a package of white T-shirts that way I could decorate them! So heres the shirt I made:

              What do you think? I'm really excited about making more shirts. Idea alert! Maybe I could make a Ballet and Bento shirt! What do you think about that? What ideas do you have about a shirt?

Here's a closer view of the shirt:

             Well, that's it for today. Be sure to come back for tommorrow's quiz and check out the new facebook page!

Courtney ^_^

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


          I have big news that you'll never guess. Go ahead, guess! I'll wait. Wow, you're taking a while, so I'll just go ahead and tell you. There is now an official facebook page for Ballet and Bento! So now you can go on and "like" the blog!
      Just go on facebook and look up Ballet and Bento. It's the one that says "entertainment." Right now it looks a little bare, but I'll be posting pictures, both mine and ones I find on the internet, videos, status', and more! So be sure to check it out!
      Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know I did! I think Christmas is one of my favorite along with Easter. And Thanksgiving. And St. Patrick's Day. And Valentine's Day. And National Write Love on Your Arm Day. What holiday are we talking about again???
        I'll take some pictures of the things I got as presents tommorrow. In the mean time, why don't you tell me how your Christmas was and some of things you got?

Courtney :D

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

           Well readers, it's Christmas Eve! (Christmas Day for some of you ;) So as my Christmas present to you, I'm showing you a picture of my tree! Here it is:

                 What do you think of all the lanterns? They all have different images on them. Here's my favorite:

            I made this one. I bet you can tell since it's a pointe shoe ^_^ 

        Well, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and be sure to come back on Monday!

Courtney ^_^

P.S-Have a good Christmas break too!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quiz Day!

           Hello readers! It's time for another quiz! This week's quiz is:

Are You a Chef Extrodanaire or a Couple of Burnt Eggs?

1. Time for breakfast! What's on the menu?

A. An omlet with parsley, some fruit salad on the side and a cup of hot chocolate! After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

B. Stick a bagel in the toaster. Then after putting on cream cheese, put on a strawberry, you know, for decoration.

C. Cereal, even though it's kind of soggy because you put in too much milk.

2. It's the weekend and you get to have the meal that you don't during the week. Brunch! What do you have planned?

A. Waffles, (Belegium of course!,) iced tea, and some celery sticks!

B. Some left over pancakes from yesterday.

C. Brunch? Nah, I already had breakfast.

3. Lunchtime lunchtime! What's your order consist of?

A. Something Mexican, or maybe Italian, or maybe French! A Quesadilla with marinara sauce and creme brulee!

B. Some mac n' cheese from the box.

C. PBn'J?

4. Dinner! What do you do to help?

A. Help? You practically cook the meal!

B. Stir some stuff.

C. Leaving the kitchen when you get yelled at.

5. Your turn to make dessert! What's today's specialty?

A. A lavish three layer fudge cake with chocolate roses.

B. Some from-the-box pudding

C. Cookies from the box.


Mostly A's: You are a master chef! The kitchen is your second home, and you love that!

Mostly B's: You're up and coming. You know your way around the kitchen alright, but sometimes it's just a little hard to get creative. Don't let the big fridge intimidate you! Just go for it!

Mostly C's: Where's the kitchen again? Even if you don't know a carrot from a parsnip, there are still tons of recipies you can make! Just start with something simple. (Like bento!) Pretty soon, you'll be an expert!

Well, that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed today's quiz!

Courtney ^_^

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Great Show!

          Nutcracker season is officially over! It went great and everyone did such a nice job! All those Saturday rehersals paid off! Now it's time for a little rest before audition season. We dancers audition for summer programs. We have class tonight and on Thursday, but it's nice to have a little rest. Going almost everyday is great, but sometimes your body just needs some time to rest.
      Christmas is coming up soon too! I'm finishing decorating the Christmas tree. Instead of paper poinsettas, I decided to make Christmas lanterns. It looks really nice. Maybe I'll take a picture and show you!
         Also, just a thought, my picture (see right) is all black and white. Maybe I should color it???

Courtney ^_^

Friday, December 16, 2011

So Excited!!!!!!!!!

          I AM SO EXCITED!!!

       Did you get that? Let me do it again just in case you missed it.

        I AM SO EXCITED!!!

        Now you may ask, why is Courtney excited? Why did she say that twice? Why did she do it in huge letters? Why is she asking all these questions in the third person?
           Glad you asked. Our Nutcracker is tommorrow!!! Yes, it has arrived. This ballet that I have been talking and talking about is finally here! In honor of it, it's quiz time!

Which Lead Role in the Nutcracker Are You?

1. When going for a walk you like to:

A. Eat something sweet
B. Watch the snow fall
C. Look at all the flowers

2. You're fav color:

A. Pink
B. Blue
C. Green

3. You like to decorate for Christmas with:

A. The tree with lots of ornaments
B. Snowmen
C. Poinsettas

4. Would you say you're more:

A. Sweet and dainty
B. Strong and beautiful
C. Gentle and happy

5. You're fav flower:

A. Roses
B. Forget-me-nots 
C. All flowers


Mostly A's: You are the Sugarplum Fairy!!!

Mostly B's: You are the Snow Queen!!!

Mostly C's: You are Dewdrop!!!

         Hope you enjoyed the quiz! Have to go make sure everything is ready for tommorrow and get some sleep! Wish me a good show!

Courtney ^_^

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Special Guest!!!

           Hello everybody! As promised, today we have a special guest! Due to security reasons, she wishes not to disclose her full name. So we'll call her K____. Here is the interview from today. To make things easier, my questions will be in this type font.  K's answers will be in This type font.

C: Do you like Courtney's bentos?

K: Yes, I think they're very cute.

C: Have you ever run a blog before?

K: Uh, yes. Not on the internet though.

C: Do you like science?

K: Uh, eh, no.

C: What's your favorite book or book series?

K: Romeo and Juliet.

C: Have you ever seen a ghost?

K: No, unless it was on TV.

C: Do you like sheep?

K: In cartoons, but I heard that sheep are mean.

C: Have you ever eaten canned bread?

K: No.

C: Do you like puppies?

K: Yes.

C: What's your favorite ballet step?

K: Adagio. I like adagio.   

 *Note* (Adagio is when we do lots of slow movements in ballet. This requires control to make it look right.)

C: Anything else you want to say?

K: No.

Thanks so much K____!!! I enjoyed interviewing you and I hope you did too!

Hope you all enjoyed this interview!!! Be sure to come tommorrow for a new quiz ;)


Tuesday, December 13, 2011


           Hello readers! This weekend has been super busy!!! On Saturday, (as you know,) I had rehersal all day. Which shouldn't surprise you. Did it? On Sunday we had our in-studio dress rehersal all day. Which should surprise you because that isn't the usual routine. But we had it this week because our show is this weekend!!! So if you live near an area that is hosting a Nutcracker, you should go and see it!
        I've also been rather dissapointed in the weather. I mean, it's almost Christmas, it should be cold right? No, it's a lovely 79.9 degrees outside! I mean, I should at least be able to wear one of my sweaters. But no, I must stay with my "shorts and a cute shirt" look. Come to think of it though, I don't really like cold weather. So why am I complaining??? That is a good question I don't have the answer to.
       I am happy though because I've had new pointe shoes come in! They are so much better than my old ones! So now I have shoes I can wear for the show. Happy smiley!!! :D
      And tommorrow we may have a special guest! (I'm not sure who yet:)  So be sure to check in.
     I also need to start making Christmas presents. I rarely if ever actually buy a Christmas gift for someone. It's just so expected! If you really want to surprise someone with a gift they'll love, make them something. It will make it more special and you will have more money to buy new pointe shoes or bento supplies!
     I also have to decorate our Christmas tree. See, last year I made paper snowflakes to decorate the tree and they looked really pretty! So this year, I decided that I would make paper pointsettas for the tree! But, now I'm out of red paper, so I need something more creative to decorate it with. It does have lights though, and I think it looks pretty. Plus, the tree gets to boast that it's in the latest Christmas tree fashion. Theres a little row around the tree where there are no lights! I saw this in the stores. Lights are either just on one little strip, or theres a little strip with no lights! Mine is the latter. It must be one proud tree.
     So I'll be back tommorrow!

   Courtney ^_^

P.S-CouCou says hi! ~:>

Friday, December 9, 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

          Hello readers! I'm taking a break from trying to think of things to put in my bento. Plus I'm also trying to think of a theme for it. I roamed my kitchen and found some interesting things.

            "You could cut us toaster pastries into fun shapes!"

          That's actually not a bad idea toaster pastries!

            "You could use me in your bento!"

           That's true brown sugar mochi, but you're not very cute. Bento is supposed to be cute.
             Plus I've been trying to come up with a theme for my bento. Should I make a bear bento, or a monkey bento? Should I make it an animal bento? Should I even stick to a specific theme?

           Okay, I got a little distracted. But aren't these bunnies just soooooo cute?!

                "What about me?"
          I'm still not convinced mochi ^_^

        So, what theme do you think I should use?

Courtney ^_^

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Thrilling Thursday Quiz!

           It's time for another quiz! This week's orginal quiz by your's truly, is:

What Christmas Song Are You?

1. Your friend is hosting a Christmas party and everyone is wearing some sort of dress-up piece. You pick:

A. Earmuffs, mittens, and a scarf with snowflakes on them

B. A Santa hat

C. Felt reindeer antlers

2. Your Christmas tree has:

A. Candy canes

B. A garland and round ball ornaments

C. Blinking lights and lots of fun ornaments!

3. On Christmas Eve you:

A. Drink hot chocolate with a friend

B. Go to a candlelight service

C.  Put out milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and the reindeer

4. When thinking about Christmas gifts, you want to give gifts:

A. That are sweet and thoughtful

B. That you know everyone needs

C. That will make everyone smile

5. It's Christmas and your going to see your family. What's the perfect outfit?

A. Jeans and a stylish jacket

B. A Christmas dress

C. A Christmas sweater


Mostly A's: Walking in a Winter Wonderland
You are romantic and sweet, Walking in a Winter Wonderland fits you perfectly!

Mostly B's: Carol of the Bells
Classic, loveable, and traditional, the Carol of the Bells is your song.

Mostly C's: Jingle Bell Rock
Happy and energetic, it's no wonder you fit Jingle Bell Rock best!

            Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Which Christmas song are YOU???

Courtney ^_^

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

          It's time for another thrilling episode of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! This week's challenger is my very own little birdie, CouCou the cockatiel!

           Awww, she's sooo cute and fluffy! She's looks like she deserves a treat. Hmmmm, she loves fruit...

            Chiquita CouCou! On a related note, I think I'm going to give CouCou some raisins as a treat :)   Until next time!

     Courtney and CouCou ~:>     <----(My own bird emoticon) 

Sunday, December 4, 2011


           Hey readers! It's Sunday which means it's bento time!

               This bento requires a bit more preparation, but is still pretty simple. In the middle of your container, line carrots across the box to make a simple divider.  On one side of your bento, put two cupcake holders. (These are your best friends when it comes to bento :) Use fun-shaped cookie cutters to cut fun shapes out of cheese and kiwi and place them in the cupcake holders. Then you can put some candy in between the two cupcake holders as a treat. On the other side of your bento, you can use lettuce whatever you can think of to make a little "bed". On one half, put half of a hard-boiled egg, and on the other half, some rice. I used a cookie cutter to shape my rice like a heart. This tends to work best if you have sticky-rice. I then used different ingredients to make a face on my egg. And, to make sure my egg and heart weren't cramped, I used carrots to divide the two.
       That's it for today's bento session! Be sure to come back tomorrow for another edition of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

Courtney ^_^

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quiz Day!

            It's thursday, which means it's....QUIZ DAY! Since today is December 1st, I think we'll have a Christmas quiz! Here we go!

Are you full of Christmas spirit, or blatantly bah-humbug?

1. You're shopping in the mall and theres Christmas music playing in the store. What do you do?

A. Hum along. You love all Christmas music!

B. Don't really listen. You like Christmas music and all, but this one tends to get on your nerves.

C. Wish they would change the music to a different station.

2. Your neighbors still have their Christmas lights up and it's the end of January. What do you do?

A. Don't say anything. If they want to have Christmas spirit all year round, that's fine by you!

B. Casually mention it when they say hello to you.

C. Go right up to their door and make a formal annoucement that they still have them up.

3. Time to put up the Christmas tree! What do you do to help?

A. Everything! I want it to be perfect!

B. I let my parents put on the lights, and I help with the ornaments.

C. I sit in my room and wait until they come and tell me to help.

4. Your younger cousins are sending their letters to Santa Claus. You:

A. Send yours too. After all, you do it every year!

B. Consent when they ask you to send your's too.

C. Decline, even when they ask you.

5. On Christmas day, you are:

A. The first one up, rushing everyone to get up and not waste the day.

B. Up along with everyone else

C. Waking up when you hear your dad yelling at you to wake up.


Mostly A's: Super Spirited
Let your Christmas spirit shine! You are enthusiastic for Christmas all year round!

Mostly B's: Christmas Cheer
You have Christmas cheer, but you keep it on a calm level.

Mostly C's: Sad Scrooge
Cheer up! Just because it's cold, doesn't mean you can't be happy!

So, what did you think of today's quiz? Hope you enjoyed it!
