Sunday, December 4, 2011


           Hey readers! It's Sunday which means it's bento time!

               This bento requires a bit more preparation, but is still pretty simple. In the middle of your container, line carrots across the box to make a simple divider.  On one side of your bento, put two cupcake holders. (These are your best friends when it comes to bento :) Use fun-shaped cookie cutters to cut fun shapes out of cheese and kiwi and place them in the cupcake holders. Then you can put some candy in between the two cupcake holders as a treat. On the other side of your bento, you can use lettuce whatever you can think of to make a little "bed". On one half, put half of a hard-boiled egg, and on the other half, some rice. I used a cookie cutter to shape my rice like a heart. This tends to work best if you have sticky-rice. I then used different ingredients to make a face on my egg. And, to make sure my egg and heart weren't cramped, I used carrots to divide the two.
       That's it for today's bento session! Be sure to come back tomorrow for another edition of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

Courtney ^_^

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