Tuesday, December 13, 2011


           Hello readers! This weekend has been super busy!!! On Saturday, (as you know,) I had rehersal all day. Which shouldn't surprise you. Did it? On Sunday we had our in-studio dress rehersal all day. Which should surprise you because that isn't the usual routine. But we had it this week because our show is this weekend!!! So if you live near an area that is hosting a Nutcracker, you should go and see it!
        I've also been rather dissapointed in the weather. I mean, it's almost Christmas, it should be cold right? No, it's a lovely 79.9 degrees outside! I mean, I should at least be able to wear one of my sweaters. But no, I must stay with my "shorts and a cute shirt" look. Come to think of it though, I don't really like cold weather. So why am I complaining??? That is a good question I don't have the answer to.
       I am happy though because I've had new pointe shoes come in! They are so much better than my old ones! So now I have shoes I can wear for the show. Happy smiley!!! :D
      And tommorrow we may have a special guest! (I'm not sure who yet:)  So be sure to check in.
     I also need to start making Christmas presents. I rarely if ever actually buy a Christmas gift for someone. It's just so expected! If you really want to surprise someone with a gift they'll love, make them something. It will make it more special and you will have more money to buy new pointe shoes or bento supplies!
     I also have to decorate our Christmas tree. See, last year I made paper snowflakes to decorate the tree and they looked really pretty! So this year, I decided that I would make paper pointsettas for the tree! But, now I'm out of red paper, so I need something more creative to decorate it with. It does have lights though, and I think it looks pretty. Plus, the tree gets to boast that it's in the latest Christmas tree fashion. Theres a little row around the tree where there are no lights! I saw this in the stores. Lights are either just on one little strip, or theres a little strip with no lights! Mine is the latter. It must be one proud tree.
     So I'll be back tommorrow!

   Courtney ^_^

P.S-CouCou says hi! ~:>

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