Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Shirt!

           Hello everyone! Yesterday I told you that I might post some pics of my Christmas presents, so here we go! Last year, I got a cool T-shirt designer with fabric markers, a jeweler/studder, and a book of ideas. So this year I asked for a package of white T-shirts that way I could decorate them! So heres the shirt I made:

              What do you think? I'm really excited about making more shirts. Idea alert! Maybe I could make a Ballet and Bento shirt! What do you think about that? What ideas do you have about a shirt?

Here's a closer view of the shirt:

             Well, that's it for today. Be sure to come back for tommorrow's quiz and check out the new facebook page!

Courtney ^_^

1 comment:

  1. I like the shirt! I like the idea of a ballet & bento shirt. You should do one. Maybe you should do one with your bird on it
