Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quiz Day!

           Hello readers! It's time for another quiz! This week's quiz is:

Are You a Chef Extrodanaire or a Couple of Burnt Eggs?

1. Time for breakfast! What's on the menu?

A. An omlet with parsley, some fruit salad on the side and a cup of hot chocolate! After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

B. Stick a bagel in the toaster. Then after putting on cream cheese, put on a strawberry, you know, for decoration.

C. Cereal, even though it's kind of soggy because you put in too much milk.

2. It's the weekend and you get to have the meal that you don't during the week. Brunch! What do you have planned?

A. Waffles, (Belegium of course!,) iced tea, and some celery sticks!

B. Some left over pancakes from yesterday.

C. Brunch? Nah, I already had breakfast.

3. Lunchtime lunchtime! What's your order consist of?

A. Something Mexican, or maybe Italian, or maybe French! A Quesadilla with marinara sauce and creme brulee!

B. Some mac n' cheese from the box.

C. PBn'J?

4. Dinner! What do you do to help?

A. Help? You practically cook the meal!

B. Stir some stuff.

C. Leaving the kitchen when you get yelled at.

5. Your turn to make dessert! What's today's specialty?

A. A lavish three layer fudge cake with chocolate roses.

B. Some from-the-box pudding

C. Cookies from the box.


Mostly A's: You are a master chef! The kitchen is your second home, and you love that!

Mostly B's: You're up and coming. You know your way around the kitchen alright, but sometimes it's just a little hard to get creative. Don't let the big fridge intimidate you! Just go for it!

Mostly C's: Where's the kitchen again? Even if you don't know a carrot from a parsnip, there are still tons of recipies you can make! Just start with something simple. (Like bento!) Pretty soon, you'll be an expert!

Well, that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed today's quiz!

Courtney ^_^

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