Tuesday, December 27, 2011


          I have big news that you'll never guess. Go ahead, guess! I'll wait. Wow, you're taking a while, so I'll just go ahead and tell you. There is now an official facebook page for Ballet and Bento! So now you can go on and "like" the blog!
      Just go on facebook and look up Ballet and Bento. It's the one that says "entertainment." Right now it looks a little bare, but I'll be posting pictures, both mine and ones I find on the internet, videos, status', and more! So be sure to check it out!
      Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know I did! I think Christmas is one of my favorite along with Easter. And Thanksgiving. And St. Patrick's Day. And Valentine's Day. And National Write Love on Your Arm Day. What holiday are we talking about again???
        I'll take some pictures of the things I got as presents tommorrow. In the mean time, why don't you tell me how your Christmas was and some of things you got?

Courtney :D

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