Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Special Guest!!!

           Hello everybody! As promised, today we have a special guest! Due to security reasons, she wishes not to disclose her full name. So we'll call her K____. Here is the interview from today. To make things easier, my questions will be in this type font.  K's answers will be in This type font.

C: Do you like Courtney's bentos?

K: Yes, I think they're very cute.

C: Have you ever run a blog before?

K: Uh, yes. Not on the internet though.

C: Do you like science?

K: Uh, eh, no.

C: What's your favorite book or book series?

K: Romeo and Juliet.

C: Have you ever seen a ghost?

K: No, unless it was on TV.

C: Do you like sheep?

K: In cartoons, but I heard that sheep are mean.

C: Have you ever eaten canned bread?

K: No.

C: Do you like puppies?

K: Yes.

C: What's your favorite ballet step?

K: Adagio. I like adagio.   

 *Note* (Adagio is when we do lots of slow movements in ballet. This requires control to make it look right.)

C: Anything else you want to say?

K: No.

Thanks so much K____!!! I enjoyed interviewing you and I hope you did too!

Hope you all enjoyed this interview!!! Be sure to come tommorrow for a new quiz ;)


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