Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quiz Day!

            It's thursday, which means it's....QUIZ DAY! Since today is December 1st, I think we'll have a Christmas quiz! Here we go!

Are you full of Christmas spirit, or blatantly bah-humbug?

1. You're shopping in the mall and theres Christmas music playing in the store. What do you do?

A. Hum along. You love all Christmas music!

B. Don't really listen. You like Christmas music and all, but this one tends to get on your nerves.

C. Wish they would change the music to a different station.

2. Your neighbors still have their Christmas lights up and it's the end of January. What do you do?

A. Don't say anything. If they want to have Christmas spirit all year round, that's fine by you!

B. Casually mention it when they say hello to you.

C. Go right up to their door and make a formal annoucement that they still have them up.

3. Time to put up the Christmas tree! What do you do to help?

A. Everything! I want it to be perfect!

B. I let my parents put on the lights, and I help with the ornaments.

C. I sit in my room and wait until they come and tell me to help.

4. Your younger cousins are sending their letters to Santa Claus. You:

A. Send yours too. After all, you do it every year!

B. Consent when they ask you to send your's too.

C. Decline, even when they ask you.

5. On Christmas day, you are:

A. The first one up, rushing everyone to get up and not waste the day.

B. Up along with everyone else

C. Waking up when you hear your dad yelling at you to wake up.


Mostly A's: Super Spirited
Let your Christmas spirit shine! You are enthusiastic for Christmas all year round!

Mostly B's: Christmas Cheer
You have Christmas cheer, but you keep it on a calm level.

Mostly C's: Sad Scrooge
Cheer up! Just because it's cold, doesn't mean you can't be happy!

So, what did you think of today's quiz? Hope you enjoyed it!


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