Wednesday, August 1, 2012

'The Dancing Bento' is Now Open!!

          Well everyone, the new blog is open! It's still under a bit of set-up, but I will now be posting on it. There will still be your favorite segments, plus a few new ones! Hope to see you there!

Courtney ^_^

P.S: Here's the link to The Dancing Bento-

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

And The Winner Is....

                  Dun dah dah dahhhh!!! Well everyone, the name of the new blog is decided. My new blog is going to be:


             I am sooo excited I can hardly wait!! I still have some things to do before I can open it though. As soon as it's open, I'll post a link here. Plus, I'll try to get it started ASAP!!

BEN-to infinity and POINTE beyond!! : )


Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Blog!!

                 Guess what! I am deciding to start a brand new blog. I miss blogging, and even if I can't post as often, I don't want to stop completely! I'll post a link here as soon as it's open.
            Now don't be sad about Ballet and Bento! It will still be here! And the new blog will have all the same features: The super-cute pics, the bento how-to's, quiz day, etc. Plus maybe a few new surprises! ;)
            Now that I've announced that, I need help. I'm trying to come up with a name for the new blog. Here's a list of what I've come up with:


"Ballet and Bento II"

"Bento and Battements"   *(Note: 'Battement' is a ballet step)

"Food and Fouettes"     *(Note: 'Fouettes' are one of my favorite ballet steps)

"The Dancing Bento"

            Here's where you come in! Leave a comment below telling me what name you like best! Or, tell me your own idea for a blog name! The name with the most votes or the most original will be the name of my new blog!

Super excited!

Courtney ^_^

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!


       So if you don't want to hear any bad news, I suggest you stop reading. Right now. Seriously, stop reading this right now if you don't want bad news.

       Alright, now that we're left to the people who want to hear bad news, (or have their curiosity peaked enough to read on,) let's get it over with.

       Here it is: IHAVETOSTOPBLOGGING! Yes! I know, awful news! I have to stop blogging! I'm getting really busy with ballet and school so I don't have the time to blog. I mean, I could try to keep up the blog, but it wouldn't be fair all you readers.
           So I have decided to stop the blog. I'm a bit sad too, because I enjoy running the blog. Unfortunately, I can't keep up with it. Maybe sometime, when I'm not so busy, I'll start it up again, or start a new blog! (I'll post on here if I do!) But for now, I'm going to have to stop.

See you in the internet future!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bento Week: Day 4

           Wow, day four of Bento Week already! Plus it's Thursday, so you get a quiz too!
        Let's start off with the bento, okay?

               Alright, for this bento you'll need:

1. A Sandwich (of your choice)     2. Cheese     3. Cupcake Holder    

4. Mochi (if you don't have mochi, which you can find at most Asian markets, you can use a doughnut, or a small pastry or something)

5. Apple     6. Raisins

           Now, how to assemble this bento:

1. Take your apple and slice a quarter of it off. Then place it into the bottom right corner of your bento box.

2. Place the cupcake holder above the apple.

3. Cut the cheese into small squares and put them inside the cupcake holder.

4. Now take your sandwich and cut it into a triangle shape using kitchen scissors.

5. Use the raisins to make a cool face on your sandwich. Then put it in the top left corner, next to the cheese.

6. Place the mochi in the remaining corner.

7. Enjoy!

          What did you think of today's bento? If you make it, I would love to see a picture! Send me one at  and it might end up here! (Be sure to include your first name so I can give you credit!)

           Alright, so for Bento Week, we're going to do a bento related quiz! Are you ready for...


1. You have to pack a lunch for tomorrow and you're still working on homework that's due. You:

A. Stop and fix up some cute looking eggs, colorful fruits, and fun-shaped veggies!

B. Fill a container with half salad and half fruits, and add some raisins in a cool shape to make it look interesting.

C. Throw some leftovers in a lunchbox and draw a smile face on your banana peel.

2. You like your bacon and eggs arranged:

A. Like a happy face.

B. Separate from each other.

C. It doesn't matter.

3. It's your friend's birthday! While she leaves the table, you:

A. Arrange her lunch to look like a kitty cat and to say HB.

B. Put your present on the table next to her drink to make it look like eyes.

C. Give her your present once she gets back.

4. You're starving, and you need food now! You:

A. Cut a pop-tart into fun shapes before you eat it.

B. Grab some goldfish. They already have smiles!

C. Snatch an orange from the fridge. It's more important that you eat!

5. Ice cream time! You're putting on chocolate sauce, so you:

A. Put it on in a cool pattern.

B. Try putting it on like you see chefs doing all the time on food network, but wind up watching it slide together anyway.

C. Pour it on.


Mostly A's: You are a bento extraordinaire! You know that food tastes better if it looks neat, so you make an effort to make it as colorful, cute, and interesting as possible! Great job!

Mostly B's: You are a good bento maker! You can make bento, but sometimes things just don't turn out the way you want to. Don't get upset, just keep up the good work, and you'll be a bento extraordinaire in no time!

Mostly C's: Keep practicing! You can make amazing bentos if you just try! Try following a recipe for a little, and pretty soon you'll be creating your own elaborate bentos!


Well, that was this week's quiz! See you tomorrow!


P.S: What do you think of a bento cookbook by yours truly?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bento Week: Day 3

           All right readers, are you ready for day three of Bento Week? Let's go ahead and get started then!

             All right! Now for this bento, you will need:

1. Strawberries     2. Bananas     3. Carrots    

4. Hello Pandas (These are cookies filled with chocolate. You can use what you want to though.)

5. A Wrap of your choice     6. Trail Mix     7. Cupcake Holder

         Ready to learn how to make it? Here's how:

1. Place your wrap in the bottom right of your bento box.

2. Fill the cupcake holder with trail mix.

3. Put it next to the wrap.

4. Fill the other half of your bento with Hello Pandas or whatever you're using.

5. This next part gets a little tricky. To create a 'faux-sushi' I cut the strawberries into slices. Then I cut a little hole in the middle of them. After that, I cut a banana to the correct size to fit inside the hole. Then I cut super tiny pieces of carrot and stuck two into the banana at different angles.

6. Put your 'faux-sushi' in on top of the Hello Pandas.

         And then you're done! The 'faux-sushi' is tricky, but can look pretty cool. Maybe I'll do it in a future bento so you can get more practice!

         If you make this bento or even you're very own inspired by this, I'd love to see it! Send me a picture to and it might end up on the blog! (With credit to you of course!)

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bento Week: Day 2

           Day two of Bento Week is here! Let's learn how to make another bento!

               For this bento, you will need:

1. Strawberries             2. Raisins           3. Carrots      

4. A Sandwich of you choice (cut into the shape of a little person)

          Here's how to make it:

1. First, put your strawberries on the left side of your box in a line.

2. Then, place your sandwich person beside the strawberries.

3. Fill in the areas your sandwich person doesn't fill with the carrots

4. Take three raisins. Place two of them next to each other on your sandwich person for eyes, and one below them for a mouth. If you want to be really creative, you can add something like a lettuce shirt, broccoli hair, or a chocolate shirt! Be creative!

         There you go! An easy bento to make in four steps. If you make this bento, I'd love to see your version! Take a picture and e-mail it to me at! I might show it on the blog!

See ya tomorrow!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Bento Week: Day 1

           It's the first day of Bento Week! I'm going to show you a picture of today's bento and tell you how to make it!
       But first, since it's Monday, it's time for The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! Since St. Patrick's Day is on Friday, Nick the westie is all prepared-if he was awake!

            Awww, isn't that cute? Happy Early St. Patrick's Day everyone!

        Alright, now on to bento. Here's today's bento!

            This bento has:

1. Strawberries                2. Bananas        3. Cupcake Holder      

4. Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich      

 5. Lotte Kanchos (These are little oriental cookie-thingys with chocolate in them. You can use anything you want, like chocolate chips maybe.)

         Alright, so if you want to make this bento, First, you'll need to mentally separate the container into three sections surrounding the center.

         Next, put the strawberries into the bottom right section.

         Then put the bananas in the bottom left section.

         Now cut your peanut butter and jelly sandwich into fun shapes with a cookie cutter! Then place the shapes in the top section.

         Almost done! Now, put the cupcake holder in the center of the sections. Then fill it with Lotte Kanchos or chocolate chips or whatever you want!

         And there you go! You have bento! If you make it, I'd love to see your pictures! E-mail them to me at!

Until tomorrow!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Oriental Markets

           Guess what! I got to go to the oriental markets today! I love them, they have such interesting things!
       And I have a surprise for you too! I took TONS of pictures. So I'm going to show them to you!

               1.   I didn't get this, but isn't it a cool bottle???!!!

                2. I think this was actually seaweed...but it looks fun right? RIGHT?! ;)-

              3. Ahh. What trip to the oriental market would be complete without noodles??  :)bd

               4. OH MY ISN'T THIS BEAR JUST SO SUPER CUTE AND ADORABLE???!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm good now.

               5. Well, I'm actually not that interested in soy products. But this package has a ballet dancer on it, so I HAD to take a picture!

                6. Um...I can't read this, but the cute animals have to be a good sign, right? :)

              7. Cute???

               8. I love these! The candies are good, but the box is cute too!

                9. Mochi! One word: Yum :P

               10. Last but not least, you know it, you love it, it's Pocky!


          Well, that's it for my trip to the oriental market. Hope you enjoyed the pics!

          I also have good news! This week is officially "Bento Week" here on the blog! You'll get to see a new bento Monday-Friday! And don't worry, you'll still get The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable on Monday and a quiz on Thursday! It'll be double fun!

Courtney ^_^

P.S- All brands in the pictures above are not mine and all credit goes to their proper owners.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Quiz Day!

           Welcome back readers! It's time for a brand new quiz! This week's quiz will be a little different. And easy. Are you ready? This week's quiz is:


1. Quick! Pick your favorite of these colors:

A. Red                         B. Yellow

C. Blue                        D. Green

E. Orange                     F. Black

G. White                      H. Purple

I. Pink


A: Red means that you love excitement and action. Your feelings can be very intense.

B: If you like yellow, that means that you are carefree and like to look on the bright side!

C: Blue shows that you are organized and a loyal friend.

D: You are full of energy and ready to try new things if you like green!

E: Like orange? You are satisfied with your life. You also like to do good deeds and get things accomplished.

F: If black is your favorite color, then you are serious and make a good leader.

G: White, right? You are honest and try to do things right. You also like things to be neat and clean.

H: Purple! Purple means that you are creative, witty, and love to fantasize.

I: And last but not least, pink! Pink signifys that your feelings are important to you and can be easily hurt. You love to daydream.


       So? Did you like it? What is your favorite color? I bet you can guess mine! ^_^


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


           Well readers, the weather has been a bit cloudy today. And I've been a bit under the weather. :(
        But not to worry! I took this time to color one of my pictures! I can't decide whether (hehe, homophones are fun!) I like the black + white version, or the colored version. So, I'm going to let you decide! Here's the black and white:

And here's the color:

          So, which do you like better? Tell me in the comments! The picture with the most comments will get added as my main picture! (You know, the one on the top right of this page ;) )

See you in the comments!


Friday, March 2, 2012

Time for Another Quiz!

           Alright readers, it's time for another quiz! This week's quiz is...(dun dah dah!)


1. Would you rather walk:

A. On the beach

B. On a nature trail

C. On the sidewalk

2. Your favorite style of swimsuit is:

A. Bikini

B. One-piece

C. Tankini

3. Friends say you are:

A. Energetic

B. Calm

C.  Fun-loving

4. Your favorite sound of nature is:

A. The wind

B. The sound of animals

C. Birds chirping

5. And your favorite food?

A. Sun Chips 

B. PB&J sandwich

C. A classic deli sandwich


Mostly A's: Energetic like waves, you are most like the ocean!

Mostly B's: Calm and nature-loving, you are most like a cool summer lake!

Mostly C's: A lover of fun? You are most like a pool on a summer day!

          I'm a pool! ^_^  What are you? Tell me in the comments!

Courtney :D

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Facebook 20!

      Welcome back readers! Today, we're going to talk about facebook. (What? When I say 'everything in between' I mean it! ^_^)      So, you have a facebook, but you're completely bored. Am I right? Don't worry, it happens to everyone! I mean, you can't stare at a news feed all day hoping something interesting comes up! So to help you with your boredom, here's 20 things you can do on facebook!

1. Keep changing your birthday to whatever day it is! See who keeps wishing you a happy birthday, and who actually realizes your little prank :)

2. Create a page for something random, like your fav pair of shoes, your refrigerator, your hair, or maybe even a friend who doesn't have a facebook. (Make sure that's a page, not an account. You're not supposed to have an account for someone when it's not you.) Then get all your friends to like the page!

3. Post the alphabet on a friend's wall. One letter per post. It's best if you start with 'Z' cause then when your friend scrolls down, it will start from A. *Note* This probably will annoy your friend.

4. Make your profile picture you taking a picture of yourself with your phone in the mirror. It seems like that's everyone's profile pic these days!

5. Search your friend's profiles for more pages to like!

6. If you like the page 'Daily Random Facts' you'll get a random fact in your news feed everyday.

7. Check out the page '*Very Clean* Funny Pics'. They have some great pics up!

8. Find a fun app! There are so many games and apps, you just have to find one! My current fav is 'Smiley Daily' where you can post your mood to your friends with a cute little smiley!

9. Create a facebook account for your pet! It's fun to put their fav movies, interests, and more!

10. Organize your facebook friends. If your really bored you can organize your friends to specific groups and lists.

11. Create a challenge for your friends! Make it a note or facebook status and see who does it! You can even do it yourself if you want!

12. Change your language setting to English (Pirate). You can view your mateys (friends), ship (profile), fire at someone (poke), and see your Arrrrrrs! (likes.)

13. Do a note that a friend sent you and pass it on!

14. Post on a friend's wall: "Bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother...."

15. Post song lyrics as your status. Practically everyone does it!

16. Get timeline. Some people can't stand it, (I'm actually one of those people and am now stuck with it, hehe) but some really like it!

17. Comment on a friend's REALLY old photo/video.

18. Update your 'About Me.' You can add stuff from your fav book or movie. For example:

"I'm on the dark side"   or

"I go to a girl's boarding school for spys, but shhh!! It's a secret!" or

"I'm a vesper!" or

"Has anyone seen my ruby slippers?"  

*Bonus points if you knew all those references!

19. Set a fav quote as your status.

20. Answer/ask a question. There's a special poll version of your status available that you can use to ask your question and add answers. Or answer one a friend/page asked!

     Well, I hope this helped you! Maybe it can help you stay "un-bored" until tomorrow! You know, quiz day!! See you then!

Courtney ^_^

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


           I'm so excited because today is my birthday!!! Because of this, I'm changing my picture for today. Here it is.


(See side of blog)

         I'll be back tommorrow with a full blog post. See you then!

Courtney ^_^

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

           Alrighty readers! A new week, and a new cute, adorable, and loveable pic! Coming back again is Nick the westie! And in honor of the Academy Awards that were this past weekend, Nick's all dressed up for it!

            So which outfit from the Academy Awards was your favorite? Mine was Sarah Hyland's dress. Tell me what yours was in the comments!

Courtney ^_^

P.S: Don't forget to e-mail your cute photo to me at

P.S.S: I'm super excited because my birthday is tommorrow!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Day Inside My Closet!

            Alright readers, it's time for another segment of, A Day Inside My Closet! You know how it works: I post pictures of two items from my closet, and you get to tell me what you think of them in the comments!

        Our first item is a layered shirt. I really like the graphics on it. Let's take a look.

          Our next item is a really, really, BRIGHT pink shirt. I got it while I was in Michigan last summer.

             So, what do you think of today's two items? Tell me in the comments!

Courtney ^_^

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Quiz Day!

           Hello readers! It's quiz day again! This week we're going to have another mp3/ipod shuffle quiz! Just put your mp3/ipod on shuffle mode. Then see what song answers each question! Don't worry if some answers don't make sense, some won't.

Here we go!

1. What's your name?

2. What do you like to do for fun?

3. What are you afraid of?

4. What's your style?

5. What do you like to think about?

6. What's your life goal?

7. What do you like to dream about?

8. Where do you live?

9. What's the first thing you do in the morning?

10. What's your dream vacation?

11. What's your motto?

Here's what my mp3 showed:

1. What's your name?  The Prince of Persia

2. What do you like to do for fun?  The Real Thing

3. What are you afraid of? Not Knowin' Where You're Going

4. What's your style? Girls Can Change the World

5. What do you like to think about? What If

6. What's your life goal? Visions of Death

7. What do you like to dream about? When Will My Life Begin?

8. Where do you live? Space

9. What's the first thing you do in the morning? "So, You're Going to Help Me?"

10. What's your dream vacation? When You Levitate

11. What's your motto? What'cha Doin?

         It's very interesting what happens when you answer questions with your mp3/ipod while it's on shuffle! It could be a good way to come up with characters! So, what does your mp3/ipod say? Tell me in the comments!

Courtney ^_^

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

           Welcome back readers! (and hello to anyone new! ;D) It's time for another segment of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
        This week's segment brings to the bathroom! (Don't worry, this blog is rated G!) New to The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable, is Squidy the Squid!

                Awwwww, isn't Squidy just so cute?! I mean, look at those big eyes! And how do we make Squidy cuter? I don't know!

           So I hope you enjoyed this week's The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day! (I did. I mean, fancy (kinda) chocolates for half off! What isn't nice about that?!)

Courtney ^_^

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Quiz Day!

           Alright readers! Listen up, cause it's time for a POP QUIZ! But don't worry, this will be fun!
       So this week's quiz topic is:


Are you a fashion goddess?

1. Safari jackets are usually made of lightweight chino or twill in what color?

A. Pink
B. Grey
C. Khaki

2. Who helped bring the prairie dress back during the 70's and 80's?

A. Laura Ingalls
B. Barbara Eden
C. Audrey Hepburn

3. Who first made visors fashionable?

A. Baseball players
B. Hockey players
C. Tennis players

4. What pants look best with chelsea boots? (a.k.a: ankle boots?)

A. Skinny jeans
B. Sweatpants
C. Capris

5. What year were peasant shirts first worn?

A. 1900's
B. 1700's
C. 1500's


1: C. The safari jacket is a belted, lightweight jacket usually made of chino or khaki twill. It features breast and lower front pockets.

2: A. Little House on the Prairie's Laura Ingalls helped bring the prairie dress back in the 1970's and 80's.

3: C. First made fashionable by tennis players in the mid-1920's, visors-essentially baseball hats with the crown lopped off-have become fashion staples for almost everyone.

4: A. Wear your chelsea boots-or any ankle boots-with skinny jeans/pants and a black sweater for a clean, mod look.

5: B. Male colonial settlers in the 1700's wore peasant shirts with knickers, long stockings, and their powdered wigs. Yves Saint Laurent recreated the Rich Peasant and Peasant Chic looks for his 1976 runway shows.

         So? How did you like the fashion quiz? Some of those questions were really hard! Give yourself a pat on the back for taking it! 
         And if you want to know a bit more about clothes, check your local library for Fashion 101: A Crash Course in Clothing. It's really helpful. It tell you about dresses, shirts, pants, skirts, and accessories! It'll tell you what the item looks like, who made it, who made it "fashionable", and how to make it work for you. Plus it includes some trivia along the way!

Courtney ^_^  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

            Happy Valentine's Day readers! In honor of today, I made a new wallpaper! Here it is:

                 I love this happy little heart! This is my new desktop background! ^_^

                 So are you doing anything special today? I may make some treats for today. I'm trying to debate whether I should make a heart cake, or heart-shaped cookies. What do you think? I'll post a pic later of what I make ;)


Friday, February 10, 2012

Book Suggestion

            Alright readers, it's time for another book suggestion. This week's book suggestion is a manga! It's called Fruits Basket.
        Fruits Basket is about Tohru-Honda and how she meets the Sohma family. But soon she comes to find out the truth of the Sohma family: That each member of the family is a different animal in the zodiac. (Don't worry, it's not too zodiac/astrology-ish ;D) And when they're hugged by a person of the opposite sex who is not part of the Sohma family, or if they become very weak, they transform into they're zodiac animal! There's a lot more to it than that, so you'll have to read it! It also has it's own anime of the same name!
         Well, I'm off for a fun day. But don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow!

Courtney ^_^

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Cute, the Adorable, and the Lovable!

           Well readers, it's Monday again, the start of a new week. (Not to mention school) Plus, it's raining. Rain I think is very soothing, (not to mention fun to go out and get wet sometimes :) but sometimes it can be depressing and make you just want to go back to sleep. :\
            On the bright side, to help lighten your Monday, it's time for...


        This week's challenger is Hermie the turtle!

              Awww, I think Hermie's even smiling for the camera! Alright, how can we make Hermie even cuter??? (Or is it more cute??? ;D )
              Well, maybe we can dress him up as cupid! You know, since Valentine's Day is coming up soon.

            W.O.W. Who knew a turtle looked so cute in pink?? This is just perfect for Valentine's Day! I especially love the little heart headband! ^_^

        Well, that's it for this week's segment of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Lovable! Oh! And be sure to send in a picture you think is cute, adorable, and lovable! (Or just one of these) Just e-mail your cute picture with the title of it to and I could wind up using it for next week's post!

Stay cute!
   Courtney ^_^

Sunday, February 5, 2012


            It's Bentoday! (aka-Sunday ;)  So for this bento you'll need:

PB&J sandwich---Peanut butter, jelly, and bread

Pop Tarts---Cut into fun shapes



Here's the picture:

              Okay birdies, stop being so cute for a minute that way I can tell our readers how to make their own birdie bento!

         Alright! So first I cut my PB&J into circles and placed them in the bento. I then placed the Pop Tarts in the bento. I made my Pop Tarts stars, but you can make them any shape you want.
         Then I filled in any extra space with cherries and pretzels. You can use whatever you though, like chips, sunflower seeds, or anything really!
         Now comes the fun part-making the ordinary circle PB&J into a cute birdie! I had some mango, and I used parts of it to make the feathers on top of their heads. You can use anything like that really, and make your birdies whatever color you like! I layered chocolate, bread, and a tiny bit of chocolate to make the eyes. And for the beak I added a tiny sunflower seed! You can use a piece of a chip though, a Cheeto, or whatever you have.
         And voila! You have a cute little birdie bento! That's it for today. I am pretty worn out. See you tomorrow for The Cute, the Adorable, and the Lovable!

Keep Bento-ing!

    Courtney ^_^

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Day In My Closet!

           It's time for a brand new Saturday segment here on the blog. It's called....


           Here's how it works: I'll show you a picture of some items I randomly picked from my closet. I'll tell you a little about it, and some ideas for it. Then you can go to the comments section and tell me what you think about each of the items! You can say whether you think I should keep it, give it away, or break out my creative-ness to make it look cooler!
       So for our first item we have a skirt!

             This is one of my favorite skirts. I LOVE polka-dot prints. Plus it's perfect for when you can't decide whether to dress more fancy or more casual. As for improving it, I can't really think of anything. Maybe some net underneath it? Although it's already great as it is, in my opinion.
         Our next item is a shirt that I made. Well, I didn't actually make it, but I added the anchor to it.

            This shirt is great for a day at the beach or on a boat. Plus since it's a tank, it's great for summer. I'm not sure if it's one of my favorites or not. But I do like it.

        So what do you think, any improvement ideas on these two items? Should I keep them both? Tell me in the comments section! (Or you can e-mail me. Either one works.)  Hope you enjoyed this week's A Day In My Closet!

Courtney ^_^

P.S- I found a really cool phone in the garage. I know I know, "Who needs that with a cell?" But with a little paint, nail polish, and some love, it could be a great decorative addition. Maybe I'll post how to paint your own phone later! (Note: NOT your cell phone :-) )

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This Week In Voicemails!

       Happy February readers! It's time to dive back into my voice mailbox and see who called! (Not to mention who I need to call back ^_^)
       So our first voicemail is from some of my friends. Here it is:

        "[voice #1] Oh, just kidding, um, no...okay, um. [voice #2] Oh wait found it! Oh, hello? [voice #1] Hello? *Deafening laughter* [voice #2] Okay we'll call you back bye!"

       Okay, aside from reducing the volume of sound in my left ear, this voicemail has proved very entertaining.  NEXT VOICEMAIL! Oh sorry, I mean... next voicemail!
       This one is from my three friends D____, E____, and K_____. (In no particular order ;) Here it is:

       "Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Merp! Meap! Why'd you say meap??!! *laughter* Merp! Meap! Meerrrpp! Meap! *end voicemail with loud sounds*"

        Um...I'm not quite sure what to say about this one, so on to the next voicemail!!!
        Returning in their latest voicemail, it's E____ and D____! Let's see what they have to say this time!

       "[E] Hi Courtney, I appreciated you putting your voicemail down, because now I understand that it says hello, not in, bye bye.  Uh...[D] It is definitely not a Japanese accent. It still sounds like a Spanish accent to me. [E] I don't know what it sounds like. *D and E continue talking for a while about accents.* [E] Okay, bye!"

         Your welcome E____! And by the way...your conversation with D____ about accents thoroughly entertained me!

              Well, this has been This Week In Voicemails! Be sure to come back tommorrow for quiz day!

Courtney |^__^|

Friday, January 27, 2012

Book Suggestion

           Alright readers, as some of you may remember, I used to do book suggestions every Wednesday. I'm going to start that back up again, but we're going to have it on Friday instead.
       So this week's book suggestion is Geek Charming by Robin Palmer. This book is about Castle Heights High's most popular girl, Dylan, and what happens when Josh, a film geek, starts a documentary about her and high school popularity. Soon she becomes friends with Josh, much against the approval of the popular crowd. Soon she starts to realize the popularity she worked so hard for may not be what she really wants.
        I thought this book was really good. So good I finished it in one night! It switches from Dylan to Josh every other chapter, giving you both their views of the situation. The book seems to end at the right time, with everyone contented. Another reason I liked it is that the end is quite satisfactory. It doesn't leave you wondering what could possibly happened, but you're glad you read it.
        So, on a different note, who's ready for the weekend? I know I am!
Courtney /  . . \
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Super Quiz Day!

          Hello readers! I have a surprise for you! This week's quiz is a SUPER quiz! Are you ready? Let's go!


1. How would you describe your style?

A. Unique
B. Misunderstood
C. Preppy
D. Cheerful
E. Cool
F. Fun
G. Simple

2. Your favorite place to chill is:

A. My room
B. The library
C. A cute store
D. The beach
E. The local pizza place
F. Anywhere with your friends
G. On the couch

3. During your free time, you like to:

A. Think
B. Read
C. Shop
D. Have fun!
E. Dance
F. Doing something with friends
G. Cook

4.Your favorite kind of book is:

A. Sci-fi
B. Mystery
C. Romance
D. Fantasy
E. A popular series
F. Adventure
G. Instruction books

5. Your favorite ballet role is:

A. Odette (The white swan)
B. Odile (The black swan)
C. Fairy of Beauty (Or the Fairy of the Crystal Fountain)
D. Canary Fairy (Or the Fairy of Song)
E. Sugarplum Fairy
F. Firebird
G. Emeralds (from Jewels)


Mostly A's: Your tutu is white!

Mostly B's: A black tutu is perfect for you!

Mostly C's: Your perfect tutu is pink!

Mostly D's: Yellow would be a great color tutu for you!

Mostly E's: A purple tutu fits you!

Mostly F's: Orange is the tutu color for you!

Mostly G's: Green fits to your perfect tutu color!

So, how did you like the quiz? My tutu is pink hehe! What did you get?

Courtney / .   .\
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pointe Shoe 101: The Parts Of A Pointe Shoe

           Alright readers, it's time for a quick crash course in, (Dun Da Da Dah!!!)

                         POINTE SHOE 101!

     So our topic will be the main workings of a pointe shoe. By the end of this post, you'll know what each part of a pointe shoe is called and what it's function is! (You aren't required to know this. There will not be a test at the end ^_^) Here's our chart:

Platform: This is what you stand on when we go en pointe. It can be wide or narrow depending on what the dancer needs for their feet.

Box: This helps support your toes when en pointe. Again, it can be wide or narrow depending on your feet.

Vamp: This is the length of the area above the box. If it's too long, you won't be able to get 'over' your box or roll through demi-pointe.

Drawstring: This tightens the shoe, basically.

Shank: This supports your arch en pointe. It can be hard, soft, medium, or even 3/4.

Heel: I think you know what this does. If not, well, it's the part on your heel.

       Congratulations, you have finished a crash course in pointe shoe 101! There are lots of different pointe shoes, lots of different brands, and sometimes you can get special orders. These can be expensive though.
       What kind do I wear? Well, that's another post. But the pair I photographed is a La Pointe by Wear Moi from France. Maybe next week I'll take you through the journey that is my pointe shoe history :)

Hasta whatever!

Courtney  :-3

P.S: I almost forgot your certificate for completing reading this post! You can print it out and sign it if you want!


Monday, January 23, 2012

the Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

           Hello readers! It's Monday, which mean's it's time for your favorite show with adorably cute things.


*Theme music plays and fake in-studio audience cheers*

Hanz Hoster: Welcome back everyone to your favorite show that shows you not just the cute, but the cute, the adorable, and the loveable!

*fake in-studio audience cheers*

Hanz Hoster: And now here's your favorite host, Courtney!!!

*fake in-studio audience cheers...again!*

Thanks Hanz! Welcome back everyone! Let's get right to our show! This week's contestant is...*drumroll*...Ean the Scottie!

              How cute is that? Let's see how cute Ean really can be! He's Scottish, so this is a no-brainer.

            Now that is definitly cute! A plaid hat just makes animals more adorable. Always. Don't you think?
        Well, looks like we're out of time for today folks! Be sure to tune in next week for another edition of the Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!

*Theme music plays and fake in-studio audience cheers*

Courtney ^_^

P.S: Send your cute pics to and it might end up here! Just include the name of the object in the picture, a little about it, and (of course) the picture! It might show up here next week!