Happy New Year everybody! Today I was browsing on the internet for cute New Year's pics. I found this cute wallpaper! It had a little tiger with sparklers! You can find a link to it on the facebook page.
But anyway, it made me want to make my own New Year's wallpaper. And you know what? I did! Here it is:
What do you think? I drew it myself in 'Paint'. This is now my wallpaper. You can use it as your desktop background too!
Well, I've gotta go. Can't wait for fondue, meatballs, and asparagus tonight!
Courtney ^_^
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Dessert Exists!
Hey everybody! Today I visited my favorite tea room, The Garden View Tea Room! (With a gift card :D) So while I was drinking my vanilla Earl Grey tea, (which was delicious,) I thought, Why not take pictures for the blog? So I did! These are two of the desserts I had.
This is one of the tea cakes I had. There was an icing rose on top, but I ate that before I took the picture ^_^
This is the Garden View Tea Room's signature pastry. A swan! It's a really light pastry with a white chocolate mousse filling!
Tommorrow I might make some new T-shirts. I got a lot of inspiration today! I'll keep you all posted!
Courtney ^_^
This is one of the tea cakes I had. There was an icing rose on top, but I ate that before I took the picture ^_^
This is the Garden View Tea Room's signature pastry. A swan! It's a really light pastry with a white chocolate mousse filling!
Tommorrow I might make some new T-shirts. I got a lot of inspiration today! I'll keep you all posted!
Courtney ^_^
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
New Shirt!
Hello everyone! Yesterday I told you that I might post some pics of my Christmas presents, so here we go! Last year, I got a cool T-shirt designer with fabric markers, a jeweler/studder, and a book of ideas. So this year I asked for a package of white T-shirts that way I could decorate them! So heres the shirt I made:
What do you think? I'm really excited about making more shirts. Idea alert! Maybe I could make a Ballet and Bento shirt! What do you think about that? What ideas do you have about a shirt?
Here's a closer view of the shirt:
Well, that's it for today. Be sure to come back for tommorrow's quiz and check out the new facebook page!
Courtney ^_^
What do you think? I'm really excited about making more shirts. Idea alert! Maybe I could make a Ballet and Bento shirt! What do you think about that? What ideas do you have about a shirt?
Here's a closer view of the shirt:
Well, that's it for today. Be sure to come back for tommorrow's quiz and check out the new facebook page!
Courtney ^_^
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
I have big news that you'll never guess. Go ahead, guess! I'll wait. Wow, you're taking a while, so I'll just go ahead and tell you. There is now an official facebook page for Ballet and Bento! So now you can go on and "like" the blog!
Just go on facebook and look up Ballet and Bento. It's the one that says "entertainment." Right now it looks a little bare, but I'll be posting pictures, both mine and ones I find on the internet, videos, status', and more! So be sure to check it out!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know I did! I think Christmas is one of my favorite along with Easter. And Thanksgiving. And St. Patrick's Day. And Valentine's Day. And National Write Love on Your Arm Day. What holiday are we talking about again???
I'll take some pictures of the things I got as presents tommorrow. In the mean time, why don't you tell me how your Christmas was and some of things you got?
Courtney :D
Just go on facebook and look up Ballet and Bento. It's the one that says "entertainment." Right now it looks a little bare, but I'll be posting pictures, both mine and ones I find on the internet, videos, status', and more! So be sure to check it out!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know I did! I think Christmas is one of my favorite along with Easter. And Thanksgiving. And St. Patrick's Day. And Valentine's Day. And National Write Love on Your Arm Day. What holiday are we talking about again???
I'll take some pictures of the things I got as presents tommorrow. In the mean time, why don't you tell me how your Christmas was and some of things you got?
Courtney :D
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas!!!
Well readers, it's Christmas Eve! (Christmas Day for some of you ;) So as my Christmas present to you, I'm showing you a picture of my tree! Here it is:
I made this one. I bet you can tell since it's a pointe shoe ^_^
Well, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and be sure to come back on Monday!
Courtney ^_^
P.S-Have a good Christmas break too!
What do you think of all the lanterns? They all have different images on them. Here's my favorite:
I made this one. I bet you can tell since it's a pointe shoe ^_^
Well, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and be sure to come back on Monday!
Courtney ^_^
P.S-Have a good Christmas break too!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Quiz Day!
Hello readers! It's time for another quiz! This week's quiz is:
Are You a Chef Extrodanaire or a Couple of Burnt Eggs?
1. Time for breakfast! What's on the menu?
A. An omlet with parsley, some fruit salad on the side and a cup of hot chocolate! After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
B. Stick a bagel in the toaster. Then after putting on cream cheese, put on a strawberry, you know, for decoration.
C. Cereal, even though it's kind of soggy because you put in too much milk.
2. It's the weekend and you get to have the meal that you don't during the week. Brunch! What do you have planned?
A. Waffles, (Belegium of course!,) iced tea, and some celery sticks!
B. Some left over pancakes from yesterday.
C. Brunch? Nah, I already had breakfast.
3. Lunchtime lunchtime! What's your order consist of?
A. Something Mexican, or maybe Italian, or maybe French! A Quesadilla with marinara sauce and creme brulee!
B. Some mac n' cheese from the box.
C. PBn'J?
4. Dinner! What do you do to help?
A. Help? You practically cook the meal!
B. Stir some stuff.
C. Leaving the kitchen when you get yelled at.
5. Your turn to make dessert! What's today's specialty?
A. A lavish three layer fudge cake with chocolate roses.
B. Some from-the-box pudding
C. Cookies from the box.
Mostly A's: You are a master chef! The kitchen is your second home, and you love that!
Mostly B's: You're up and coming. You know your way around the kitchen alright, but sometimes it's just a little hard to get creative. Don't let the big fridge intimidate you! Just go for it!
Mostly C's: Where's the kitchen again? Even if you don't know a carrot from a parsnip, there are still tons of recipies you can make! Just start with something simple. (Like bento!) Pretty soon, you'll be an expert!
Well, that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed today's quiz!
Courtney ^_^
Are You a Chef Extrodanaire or a Couple of Burnt Eggs?
1. Time for breakfast! What's on the menu?
A. An omlet with parsley, some fruit salad on the side and a cup of hot chocolate! After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
B. Stick a bagel in the toaster. Then after putting on cream cheese, put on a strawberry, you know, for decoration.
C. Cereal, even though it's kind of soggy because you put in too much milk.
2. It's the weekend and you get to have the meal that you don't during the week. Brunch! What do you have planned?
A. Waffles, (Belegium of course!,) iced tea, and some celery sticks!
B. Some left over pancakes from yesterday.
C. Brunch? Nah, I already had breakfast.
3. Lunchtime lunchtime! What's your order consist of?
A. Something Mexican, or maybe Italian, or maybe French! A Quesadilla with marinara sauce and creme brulee!
B. Some mac n' cheese from the box.
C. PBn'J?
4. Dinner! What do you do to help?
A. Help? You practically cook the meal!
B. Stir some stuff.
C. Leaving the kitchen when you get yelled at.
5. Your turn to make dessert! What's today's specialty?
A. A lavish three layer fudge cake with chocolate roses.
B. Some from-the-box pudding
C. Cookies from the box.
Mostly A's: You are a master chef! The kitchen is your second home, and you love that!
Mostly B's: You're up and coming. You know your way around the kitchen alright, but sometimes it's just a little hard to get creative. Don't let the big fridge intimidate you! Just go for it!
Mostly C's: Where's the kitchen again? Even if you don't know a carrot from a parsnip, there are still tons of recipies you can make! Just start with something simple. (Like bento!) Pretty soon, you'll be an expert!
Well, that's it! Hope you guys enjoyed today's quiz!
Courtney ^_^
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
A Great Show!
Nutcracker season is officially over! It went great and everyone did such a nice job! All those Saturday rehersals paid off! Now it's time for a little rest before audition season. We dancers audition for summer programs. We have class tonight and on Thursday, but it's nice to have a little rest. Going almost everyday is great, but sometimes your body just needs some time to rest.
Christmas is coming up soon too! I'm finishing decorating the Christmas tree. Instead of paper poinsettas, I decided to make Christmas lanterns. It looks really nice. Maybe I'll take a picture and show you!
Also, just a thought, my picture (see right) is all black and white. Maybe I should color it???
Courtney ^_^
Christmas is coming up soon too! I'm finishing decorating the Christmas tree. Instead of paper poinsettas, I decided to make Christmas lanterns. It looks really nice. Maybe I'll take a picture and show you!
Also, just a thought, my picture (see right) is all black and white. Maybe I should color it???
Courtney ^_^
Friday, December 16, 2011
So Excited!!!!!!!!!
Did you get that? Let me do it again just in case you missed it.
Now you may ask, why is Courtney excited? Why did she say that twice? Why did she do it in huge letters? Why is she asking all these questions in the third person?
Glad you asked. Our Nutcracker is tommorrow!!! Yes, it has arrived. This ballet that I have been talking and talking about is finally here! In honor of it, it's quiz time!
Which Lead Role in the Nutcracker Are You?
1. When going for a walk you like to:
A. Eat something sweet
B. Watch the snow fall
C. Look at all the flowers
2. You're fav color:
A. Pink
B. Blue
C. Green
3. You like to decorate for Christmas with:
A. The tree with lots of ornaments
B. Snowmen
C. Poinsettas
4. Would you say you're more:
A. Sweet and dainty
B. Strong and beautiful
C. Gentle and happy
5. You're fav flower:
A. Roses
B. Forget-me-nots
C. All flowers
Mostly A's: You are the Sugarplum Fairy!!!
Mostly B's: You are the Snow Queen!!!
Mostly C's: You are Dewdrop!!!
Hope you enjoyed the quiz! Have to go make sure everything is ready for tommorrow and get some sleep! Wish me a good show!
Courtney ^_^
Did you get that? Let me do it again just in case you missed it.
Now you may ask, why is Courtney excited? Why did she say that twice? Why did she do it in huge letters? Why is she asking all these questions in the third person?
Glad you asked. Our Nutcracker is tommorrow!!! Yes, it has arrived. This ballet that I have been talking and talking about is finally here! In honor of it, it's quiz time!
Which Lead Role in the Nutcracker Are You?
1. When going for a walk you like to:
A. Eat something sweet
B. Watch the snow fall
C. Look at all the flowers
2. You're fav color:
A. Pink
B. Blue
C. Green
3. You like to decorate for Christmas with:
A. The tree with lots of ornaments
B. Snowmen
C. Poinsettas
4. Would you say you're more:
A. Sweet and dainty
B. Strong and beautiful
C. Gentle and happy
5. You're fav flower:
A. Roses
B. Forget-me-nots
C. All flowers
Mostly A's: You are the Sugarplum Fairy!!!
Mostly B's: You are the Snow Queen!!!
Mostly C's: You are Dewdrop!!!
Hope you enjoyed the quiz! Have to go make sure everything is ready for tommorrow and get some sleep! Wish me a good show!
Courtney ^_^
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Special Guest!!!
Hello everybody! As promised, today we have a special guest! Due to security reasons, she wishes not to disclose her full name. So we'll call her K____. Here is the interview from today. To make things easier, my questions will be in this type font. K's answers will be in This type font.
C: Do you like Courtney's bentos?
K: Yes, I think they're very cute.
C: Have you ever run a blog before?
K: Uh, yes. Not on the internet though.
C: Do you like science?
K: Uh, eh, no.
C: What's your favorite book or book series?
K: Romeo and Juliet.
C: Have you ever seen a ghost?
K: No, unless it was on TV.
C: Do you like sheep?
K: In cartoons, but I heard that sheep are mean.
C: Have you ever eaten canned bread?
K: No.
C: Do you like puppies?
K: Yes.
C: What's your favorite ballet step?
K: Adagio. I like adagio.
*Note* (Adagio is when we do lots of slow movements in ballet. This requires control to make it look right.)
C: Anything else you want to say?
K: No.
Thanks so much K____!!! I enjoyed interviewing you and I hope you did too!
Hope you all enjoyed this interview!!! Be sure to come tommorrow for a new quiz ;)
C: Do you like Courtney's bentos?
K: Yes, I think they're very cute.
C: Have you ever run a blog before?
K: Uh, yes. Not on the internet though.
C: Do you like science?
K: Uh, eh, no.
C: What's your favorite book or book series?
K: Romeo and Juliet.
C: Have you ever seen a ghost?
K: No, unless it was on TV.
C: Do you like sheep?
K: In cartoons, but I heard that sheep are mean.
C: Have you ever eaten canned bread?
K: No.
C: Do you like puppies?
K: Yes.
C: What's your favorite ballet step?
K: Adagio. I like adagio.
*Note* (Adagio is when we do lots of slow movements in ballet. This requires control to make it look right.)
C: Anything else you want to say?
K: No.
Thanks so much K____!!! I enjoyed interviewing you and I hope you did too!
Hope you all enjoyed this interview!!! Be sure to come tommorrow for a new quiz ;)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Hello readers! This weekend has been super busy!!! On Saturday, (as you know,) I had rehersal all day. Which shouldn't surprise you. Did it? On Sunday we had our in-studio dress rehersal all day. Which should surprise you because that isn't the usual routine. But we had it this week because our show is this weekend!!! So if you live near an area that is hosting a Nutcracker, you should go and see it!
I've also been rather dissapointed in the weather. I mean, it's almost Christmas, it should be cold right? No, it's a lovely 79.9 degrees outside! I mean, I should at least be able to wear one of my sweaters. But no, I must stay with my "shorts and a cute shirt" look. Come to think of it though, I don't really like cold weather. So why am I complaining??? That is a good question I don't have the answer to.
I am happy though because I've had new pointe shoes come in! They are so much better than my old ones! So now I have shoes I can wear for the show. Happy smiley!!! :D
And tommorrow we may have a special guest! (I'm not sure who yet:) So be sure to check in.
I also need to start making Christmas presents. I rarely if ever actually buy a Christmas gift for someone. It's just so expected! If you really want to surprise someone with a gift they'll love, make them something. It will make it more special and you will have more money to buy new pointe shoes or bento supplies!
I also have to decorate our Christmas tree. See, last year I made paper snowflakes to decorate the tree and they looked really pretty! So this year, I decided that I would make paper pointsettas for the tree! But, now I'm out of red paper, so I need something more creative to decorate it with. It does have lights though, and I think it looks pretty. Plus, the tree gets to boast that it's in the latest Christmas tree fashion. Theres a little row around the tree where there are no lights! I saw this in the stores. Lights are either just on one little strip, or theres a little strip with no lights! Mine is the latter. It must be one proud tree.
So I'll be back tommorrow!
Courtney ^_^
P.S-CouCou says hi! ~:>
I've also been rather dissapointed in the weather. I mean, it's almost Christmas, it should be cold right? No, it's a lovely 79.9 degrees outside! I mean, I should at least be able to wear one of my sweaters. But no, I must stay with my "shorts and a cute shirt" look. Come to think of it though, I don't really like cold weather. So why am I complaining??? That is a good question I don't have the answer to.
I am happy though because I've had new pointe shoes come in! They are so much better than my old ones! So now I have shoes I can wear for the show. Happy smiley!!! :D
And tommorrow we may have a special guest! (I'm not sure who yet:) So be sure to check in.
I also need to start making Christmas presents. I rarely if ever actually buy a Christmas gift for someone. It's just so expected! If you really want to surprise someone with a gift they'll love, make them something. It will make it more special and you will have more money to buy new pointe shoes or bento supplies!
I also have to decorate our Christmas tree. See, last year I made paper snowflakes to decorate the tree and they looked really pretty! So this year, I decided that I would make paper pointsettas for the tree! But, now I'm out of red paper, so I need something more creative to decorate it with. It does have lights though, and I think it looks pretty. Plus, the tree gets to boast that it's in the latest Christmas tree fashion. Theres a little row around the tree where there are no lights! I saw this in the stores. Lights are either just on one little strip, or theres a little strip with no lights! Mine is the latter. It must be one proud tree.
So I'll be back tommorrow!
Courtney ^_^
P.S-CouCou says hi! ~:>
Friday, December 9, 2011
Decisions, Decisions...
Hello readers! I'm taking a break from trying to think of things to put in my bento. Plus I'm also trying to think of a theme for it. I roamed my kitchen and found some interesting things.
"You could cut us toaster pastries into fun shapes!"
That's actually not a bad idea toaster pastries!
"You could use me in your bento!"
That's true brown sugar mochi, but you're not very cute. Bento is supposed to be cute.
Plus I've been trying to come up with a theme for my bento. Should I make a bear bento, or a monkey bento? Should I make it an animal bento? Should I even stick to a specific theme?
Okay, I got a little distracted. But aren't these bunnies just soooooo cute?!
"What about me?"
I'm still not convinced mochi ^_^
So, what theme do you think I should use?
Courtney ^_^
"You could cut us toaster pastries into fun shapes!"
That's actually not a bad idea toaster pastries!
"You could use me in your bento!"
That's true brown sugar mochi, but you're not very cute. Bento is supposed to be cute.
Plus I've been trying to come up with a theme for my bento. Should I make a bear bento, or a monkey bento? Should I make it an animal bento? Should I even stick to a specific theme?
Okay, I got a little distracted. But aren't these bunnies just soooooo cute?!
"What about me?"
I'm still not convinced mochi ^_^
So, what theme do you think I should use?
Courtney ^_^
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Another Thrilling Thursday Quiz!
It's time for another quiz! This week's orginal quiz by your's truly, is:
What Christmas Song Are You?
1. Your friend is hosting a Christmas party and everyone is wearing some sort of dress-up piece. You pick:
A. Earmuffs, mittens, and a scarf with snowflakes on them
B. A Santa hat
C. Felt reindeer antlers
2. Your Christmas tree has:
A. Candy canes
B. A garland and round ball ornaments
C. Blinking lights and lots of fun ornaments!
3. On Christmas Eve you:
A. Drink hot chocolate with a friend
B. Go to a candlelight service
C. Put out milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and the reindeer
4. When thinking about Christmas gifts, you want to give gifts:
A. That are sweet and thoughtful
B. That you know everyone needs
C. That will make everyone smile
5. It's Christmas and your going to see your family. What's the perfect outfit?
A. Jeans and a stylish jacket
B. A Christmas dress
C. A Christmas sweater
Mostly A's: Walking in a Winter Wonderland
You are romantic and sweet, Walking in a Winter Wonderland fits you perfectly!
Mostly B's: Carol of the Bells
Classic, loveable, and traditional, the Carol of the Bells is your song.
Mostly C's: Jingle Bell Rock
Happy and energetic, it's no wonder you fit Jingle Bell Rock best!
Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Which Christmas song are YOU???
Courtney ^_^
What Christmas Song Are You?
1. Your friend is hosting a Christmas party and everyone is wearing some sort of dress-up piece. You pick:
A. Earmuffs, mittens, and a scarf with snowflakes on them
B. A Santa hat
C. Felt reindeer antlers
2. Your Christmas tree has:
A. Candy canes
B. A garland and round ball ornaments
C. Blinking lights and lots of fun ornaments!
3. On Christmas Eve you:
A. Drink hot chocolate with a friend
B. Go to a candlelight service
C. Put out milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and the reindeer
4. When thinking about Christmas gifts, you want to give gifts:
A. That are sweet and thoughtful
B. That you know everyone needs
C. That will make everyone smile
5. It's Christmas and your going to see your family. What's the perfect outfit?
A. Jeans and a stylish jacket
B. A Christmas dress
C. A Christmas sweater
Mostly A's: Walking in a Winter Wonderland
You are romantic and sweet, Walking in a Winter Wonderland fits you perfectly!
Mostly B's: Carol of the Bells
Classic, loveable, and traditional, the Carol of the Bells is your song.
Mostly C's: Jingle Bell Rock
Happy and energetic, it's no wonder you fit Jingle Bell Rock best!
Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Which Christmas song are YOU???
Courtney ^_^
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
It's time for another thrilling episode of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! This week's challenger is my very own little birdie, CouCou the cockatiel!
Awww, she's sooo cute and fluffy! She's looks like she deserves a treat. Hmmmm, she loves fruit...
Chiquita CouCou! On a related note, I think I'm going to give CouCou some raisins as a treat :) Until next time!
Courtney and CouCou ~:> <----(My own bird emoticon)
Awww, she's sooo cute and fluffy! She's looks like she deserves a treat. Hmmmm, she loves fruit...
Chiquita CouCou! On a related note, I think I'm going to give CouCou some raisins as a treat :) Until next time!
Courtney and CouCou ~:> <----(My own bird emoticon)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Hey readers! It's Sunday which means it's bento time!
This bento requires a bit more preparation, but is still pretty simple. In the middle of your container, line carrots across the box to make a simple divider. On one side of your bento, put two cupcake holders. (These are your best friends when it comes to bento :) Use fun-shaped cookie cutters to cut fun shapes out of cheese and kiwi and place them in the cupcake holders. Then you can put some candy in between the two cupcake holders as a treat. On the other side of your bento, you can use lettuce whatever you can think of to make a little "bed". On one half, put half of a hard-boiled egg, and on the other half, some rice. I used a cookie cutter to shape my rice like a heart. This tends to work best if you have sticky-rice. I then used different ingredients to make a face on my egg. And, to make sure my egg and heart weren't cramped, I used carrots to divide the two.
That's it for today's bento session! Be sure to come back tomorrow for another edition of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
Courtney ^_^
This bento requires a bit more preparation, but is still pretty simple. In the middle of your container, line carrots across the box to make a simple divider. On one side of your bento, put two cupcake holders. (These are your best friends when it comes to bento :) Use fun-shaped cookie cutters to cut fun shapes out of cheese and kiwi and place them in the cupcake holders. Then you can put some candy in between the two cupcake holders as a treat. On the other side of your bento, you can use lettuce whatever you can think of to make a little "bed". On one half, put half of a hard-boiled egg, and on the other half, some rice. I used a cookie cutter to shape my rice like a heart. This tends to work best if you have sticky-rice. I then used different ingredients to make a face on my egg. And, to make sure my egg and heart weren't cramped, I used carrots to divide the two.
That's it for today's bento session! Be sure to come back tomorrow for another edition of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
Courtney ^_^
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Quiz Day!
It's thursday, which means it's....QUIZ DAY! Since today is December 1st, I think we'll have a Christmas quiz! Here we go!
Are you full of Christmas spirit, or blatantly bah-humbug?
1. You're shopping in the mall and theres Christmas music playing in the store. What do you do?
A. Hum along. You love all Christmas music!
B. Don't really listen. You like Christmas music and all, but this one tends to get on your nerves.
C. Wish they would change the music to a different station.
2. Your neighbors still have their Christmas lights up and it's the end of January. What do you do?
A. Don't say anything. If they want to have Christmas spirit all year round, that's fine by you!
B. Casually mention it when they say hello to you.
C. Go right up to their door and make a formal annoucement that they still have them up.
3. Time to put up the Christmas tree! What do you do to help?
A. Everything! I want it to be perfect!
B. I let my parents put on the lights, and I help with the ornaments.
C. I sit in my room and wait until they come and tell me to help.
4. Your younger cousins are sending their letters to Santa Claus. You:
A. Send yours too. After all, you do it every year!
B. Consent when they ask you to send your's too.
C. Decline, even when they ask you.
5. On Christmas day, you are:
A. The first one up, rushing everyone to get up and not waste the day.
B. Up along with everyone else
C. Waking up when you hear your dad yelling at you to wake up.
Mostly A's: Super Spirited
Let your Christmas spirit shine! You are enthusiastic for Christmas all year round!
Mostly B's: Christmas Cheer
You have Christmas cheer, but you keep it on a calm level.
Mostly C's: Sad Scrooge
Cheer up! Just because it's cold, doesn't mean you can't be happy!
So, what did you think of today's quiz? Hope you enjoyed it!
Are you full of Christmas spirit, or blatantly bah-humbug?
1. You're shopping in the mall and theres Christmas music playing in the store. What do you do?
A. Hum along. You love all Christmas music!
B. Don't really listen. You like Christmas music and all, but this one tends to get on your nerves.
C. Wish they would change the music to a different station.
2. Your neighbors still have their Christmas lights up and it's the end of January. What do you do?
A. Don't say anything. If they want to have Christmas spirit all year round, that's fine by you!
B. Casually mention it when they say hello to you.
C. Go right up to their door and make a formal annoucement that they still have them up.
3. Time to put up the Christmas tree! What do you do to help?
A. Everything! I want it to be perfect!
B. I let my parents put on the lights, and I help with the ornaments.
C. I sit in my room and wait until they come and tell me to help.
4. Your younger cousins are sending their letters to Santa Claus. You:
A. Send yours too. After all, you do it every year!
B. Consent when they ask you to send your's too.
C. Decline, even when they ask you.
5. On Christmas day, you are:
A. The first one up, rushing everyone to get up and not waste the day.
B. Up along with everyone else
C. Waking up when you hear your dad yelling at you to wake up.
Mostly A's: Super Spirited
Let your Christmas spirit shine! You are enthusiastic for Christmas all year round!
Mostly B's: Christmas Cheer
You have Christmas cheer, but you keep it on a calm level.
Mostly C's: Sad Scrooge
Cheer up! Just because it's cold, doesn't mean you can't be happy!
So, what did you think of today's quiz? Hope you enjoyed it!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I need more sleep!!!
If you recall from yesterdays post, I said I need more sleep. Today, that is what I'm going to talk about.
Woah, that looks really cool! Let's try W's this time!
That looks even cooler! Now that I have sufficently wasted your time today, I'm going to get some sleep so that you can read an intelligible, non-time wasting post tommorrow.
Courtney *yawn* :-0
Woah, that looks really cool! Let's try W's this time!
That looks even cooler! Now that I have sufficently wasted your time today, I'm going to get some sleep so that you can read an intelligible, non-time wasting post tommorrow.
Courtney *yawn* :-0
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Dead Pointe Shoes
Hello readers! Today, we're going to talk about dead pointe shoes. (When we dancers say "dead", it means their too soft to wear.)
It's best when they die forward, because then your feet look really good without much effort. But when you use your feet, (like you're supposed to,) it can look kinda gross, like, "look at my feet their so bendable I can put my toes on my heel" gross. Plus, as a lovely added "bonus", theres the danger of going over your shoe too far and falling off of pointe!
And then theres the awfulness of when your shoe dies backwards. Can't get over the box because it pulls you back off of pointe. This is pretty bad. Unfortunatly, most of the time in the past, my shoes have died backwards. My latest ones have gone forward though which is good :)
And then if the box goes, then you can feel the floor with your toes, more than usual. Sometimes you just feel it, at other times, it just plain hurts. (I can't stand it when that happens and don't know of anyone who doesn't.)
Then theres the awkward "one shoe backwards one shoe forwards". It just looks and feels kind of weird.
All in all, I think dead pointe shoes are just generally good to avoid. And of course theres jet glue to help make them last until your new pointe shoes come in, (Or you sew the new ones you have ;)
Wow, I just had an interesting rant on dead pointe shoes. I think I need some more sleep ^_^
It's best when they die forward, because then your feet look really good without much effort. But when you use your feet, (like you're supposed to,) it can look kinda gross, like, "look at my feet their so bendable I can put my toes on my heel" gross. Plus, as a lovely added "bonus", theres the danger of going over your shoe too far and falling off of pointe!
And then theres the awfulness of when your shoe dies backwards. Can't get over the box because it pulls you back off of pointe. This is pretty bad. Unfortunatly, most of the time in the past, my shoes have died backwards. My latest ones have gone forward though which is good :)
And then if the box goes, then you can feel the floor with your toes, more than usual. Sometimes you just feel it, at other times, it just plain hurts. (I can't stand it when that happens and don't know of anyone who doesn't.)
Then theres the awkward "one shoe backwards one shoe forwards". It just looks and feels kind of weird.
All in all, I think dead pointe shoes are just generally good to avoid. And of course theres jet glue to help make them last until your new pointe shoes come in, (Or you sew the new ones you have ;)
Wow, I just had an interesting rant on dead pointe shoes. I think I need some more sleep ^_^
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable
It's time for...The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! This week's super-cute challenger is...Spike the Cockatiel!
WOW. Who knew a bird could be so cute? Hmmmm....I wonder how cute he would be as a super hero?
It's super-cute Spike to the rescue! I know, bad pun. But look at that, you have to admit, it is really cute. So, next week we'll have a new challenger on, The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
Courtney ^_^
WOW. Who knew a bird could be so cute? Hmmmm....I wonder how cute he would be as a super hero?
It's super-cute Spike to the rescue! I know, bad pun. But look at that, you have to admit, it is really cute. So, next week we'll have a new challenger on, The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
Courtney ^_^
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Bento and Questions
Alright readers! It's Sunday which means it's bento time!!!!!!!

You can make this bento too! All that you need is some carrots, cheese, (I used shredded but you can use block cheese too,) bell peppers, a potatoe, beef, (you can subsititute if you're a vegatarian,) and some cookies! (I used these little oriental ones called hello pandas.) ^_^
Then use a knife to cut out eye holes, a nose, and a mouth out of your potatoe. Then put a little triangular piece of bell pepper for the tounge, the end of a carrot for the nose, and two peppercorns for the eyes. *Note* I did not eat the peppercorns!
Then next to your "potatoe man" you can put carrots to the left of him, cheese above him, and bell peppers next to the right of him. Then next to the bell peppers you can put the beef and the cookies.
And then you have a bento! The hardest part in this is probably using a knife to cut the potatoe. That's one of the nice things about bento, even if you can't tell spaghetti from macaroni, or burn microwavable popcorn, (I know I do,) you can make this. Plus if you don't have these exact ingredients, you can subsitute whatever you have.
And with that, it's question time! This week, to start us off, we have a question from last week. (The comments were acting weird and didn't show up until today.) If you have a question, leave one in the comments section for me!
Anonymous said...
Really neat. What other kinds of bentos can you make. I mean like can you make a snoopy bento or a bird bento? How do you figure out what to put in them?
Thanks for the question Anonymous! Of course you can make other kinds of bentos! You can make any kind of bento you want! And as far as figuring out what to put in them, I don't really! I just look in my fridge and pull out things that I think would work well!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Fantasic Fridays!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I sure did! Nothing is like spending a holiday with your family!
Anyway, now back to the blog, it's time for a Fantasic Friday Feature! Since we didn't have quiz day yesterday, we're gonna have one today! This week's quiz is:
Are you a sumo, ninja, or a clown?
1. Lunch time! What's on today's menu?
A. Some fruit punch, laffy taffy, and a PB&J
B. That's classified.
C. 4 sandwhiches, some milk, 2 apples, and 3 cookies
2. You're "lounge around the house oufit" is:
A. A pair of polka dot pants, huge slippers, and an over-sized T-shirt
B. Anything black
C. A tank top and some loose shorts
3. And the matching hair style?
A. Braids
B. A long sleek ponytail
C. A funky updo
4. Oh no! You slept through your alarm and it's about five minutes to class. What do you do?
A. Come up with a funny excuse for the teacher
B. Get ready in five seconds flat and get there on time
C. Go back to sleep
5. Your fav animal?
A. Penguin
B. Snake
C. Bear
Mostly A's: You're the clown! You are funny, lovable, and have a positive outlook on life!
Mostly B's: You're the ninja! You are cool, stealthlike and mysterious.
Mostly C's: You're the sumo! You are loads of fun and people love being around you! (Even if they didn't, they wouldn't dare mention it!)
Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Come back next week for another one! And be sure to comment about which book you think I should write!
Anyway, now back to the blog, it's time for a Fantasic Friday Feature! Since we didn't have quiz day yesterday, we're gonna have one today! This week's quiz is:
Are you a sumo, ninja, or a clown?
1. Lunch time! What's on today's menu?
A. Some fruit punch, laffy taffy, and a PB&J
B. That's classified.
C. 4 sandwhiches, some milk, 2 apples, and 3 cookies
2. You're "lounge around the house oufit" is:
A. A pair of polka dot pants, huge slippers, and an over-sized T-shirt
B. Anything black
C. A tank top and some loose shorts
3. And the matching hair style?
A. Braids
B. A long sleek ponytail
C. A funky updo
4. Oh no! You slept through your alarm and it's about five minutes to class. What do you do?
A. Come up with a funny excuse for the teacher
B. Get ready in five seconds flat and get there on time
C. Go back to sleep
5. Your fav animal?
A. Penguin
B. Snake
C. Bear
Mostly A's: You're the clown! You are funny, lovable, and have a positive outlook on life!
Mostly B's: You're the ninja! You are cool, stealthlike and mysterious.
Mostly C's: You're the sumo! You are loads of fun and people love being around you! (Even if they didn't, they wouldn't dare mention it!)
Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! Come back next week for another one! And be sure to comment about which book you think I should write!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Stories and Ideas
Okay, so usually I post a book review on Wednesdays, but this week I'm going to try something different.
As you may or may not know, aside from ballet, bento, art, and super cute things, I love writing stories! The problem is, I come up with lots of ideas, and I don't know which one to choose! So I decided I would let you read my favorite ideas and pick which one you would like to read about! (These are all my story ideas and titles and not up for grabs ;)
Art Gallery --- This is about when an art mueseum closes for the night and all the people come out of the portrait, like Mona Lisa, the Blue Boy, etc.
Academy of Advanced Arts -- Fondly known as the Academy of Challenged Academics by those that go there, this is about five high schoolers at a boarding school for those advanced in the arts. This would be a long series, but short books.
Perched -- What happens when the bird council gets together? Calm talking, outrageous squawking, and comedy ensue!
Flat -- This is about a "planet" in the future that is flat.
Fantasy -- This would not be the title, but the genre. I'm not quite sure about the plot, but I know it would include a vampire elf, a fairy, a goddess, and a princess thats impossible to please!
So, what's your favorite idea? Leave me a comment and help me decide which story to write! Or, if you have an idea of your own, let me know about it!*
*Votes will be counted by me. Original ideas will also be counted by me. Results be posted next Wednesday or when I finish counting the votes.
As you may or may not know, aside from ballet, bento, art, and super cute things, I love writing stories! The problem is, I come up with lots of ideas, and I don't know which one to choose! So I decided I would let you read my favorite ideas and pick which one you would like to read about! (These are all my story ideas and titles and not up for grabs ;)
Art Gallery --- This is about when an art mueseum closes for the night and all the people come out of the portrait, like Mona Lisa, the Blue Boy, etc.
Academy of Advanced Arts -- Fondly known as the Academy of Challenged Academics by those that go there, this is about five high schoolers at a boarding school for those advanced in the arts. This would be a long series, but short books.
Perched -- What happens when the bird council gets together? Calm talking, outrageous squawking, and comedy ensue!
Flat -- This is about a "planet" in the future that is flat.
Fantasy -- This would not be the title, but the genre. I'm not quite sure about the plot, but I know it would include a vampire elf, a fairy, a goddess, and a princess thats impossible to please!
So, what's your favorite idea? Leave me a comment and help me decide which story to write! Or, if you have an idea of your own, let me know about it!*
*Votes will be counted by me. Original ideas will also be counted by me. Results be posted next Wednesday or when I finish counting the votes.
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable!
Guess what! Today is the very first edition of The Cute, the Adorable, and the Loveable! This week's challenger is Nick the Westie!
Nick is being classically cute here, and I think this will be one of his remembered photos.
Looking back on this, I'm wondering if Nick would look more or less cute with a bow tie???
You make your decision!
Nick is being classically cute here, and I think this will be one of his remembered photos.
Looking back on this, I'm wondering if Nick would look more or less cute with a bow tie???
You make your decision!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Yesterday was rehersals for nutcracker allllllllllllllllll day, but that's okay for three reasons.
1. I love ballet. Hence the name of my blog, Ballet and Bento. Plus Nutcracker is one of my favorite ballets because it's such a classic.
2. I get to see all my friends from ballet. Actually, I see them almost everyday, so I guess that's not special. Whatever.
3. I make bento for lunch!!!!! Here it is:
If you want to make this bento, it's super simple. I used a divider in mine, but you don't have to. On one side of the bento, there is six little shortbread cookies, (layered on top of each other.) Then there are tiny pieces of apple on top of the shortbread cookies to make smiley faces :)
Then on the other side of the bento theres is a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich cut into a square. Then there is a paper cupcake holder with carrots in it. And then you can fill in the space between the carrots and the sandwhich with granola. That's what I used, but you can also use cereal, grapes, pretzels, or anything you can think of.
I usually answer questions on Sundays, so leave me a question in the comments section and I'll answer it! I'll start us off:
Courtney said...
Courtney, how do you like to describe your bentos?
Thanks for the question Courtney! I don't really describe my bentos, but I try to make them cute and colorful!
1. I love ballet. Hence the name of my blog, Ballet and Bento. Plus Nutcracker is one of my favorite ballets because it's such a classic.
2. I get to see all my friends from ballet. Actually, I see them almost everyday, so I guess that's not special. Whatever.
3. I make bento for lunch!!!!! Here it is:
If you want to make this bento, it's super simple. I used a divider in mine, but you don't have to. On one side of the bento, there is six little shortbread cookies, (layered on top of each other.) Then there are tiny pieces of apple on top of the shortbread cookies to make smiley faces :)
Then on the other side of the bento theres is a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich cut into a square. Then there is a paper cupcake holder with carrots in it. And then you can fill in the space between the carrots and the sandwhich with granola. That's what I used, but you can also use cereal, grapes, pretzels, or anything you can think of.
I usually answer questions on Sundays, so leave me a question in the comments section and I'll answer it! I'll start us off:
Courtney said...
Courtney, how do you like to describe your bentos?
Thanks for the question Courtney! I don't really describe my bentos, but I try to make them cute and colorful!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Internet space is a scary place!!!
Wow, my blog and I have been floating around in internet space for a long time! It was pretty scary. But I have had time to think about how I could improve the blog. So for starters, I have updated the look. (In case you have noticed, check out my pic and the blog background ;)
And the next improvement is crafts! And even better news, I have one for you today! Today's craft is...a headband holder!
First you'll need to paint the base coat on the rolls. I like pink and green together, so that what I used, but you can use any color.
Then you can paint your second color. I couldn't decide whether I liked dots or stripes, so I picked both. You can get really creative and do different designs and more than two colors if you want.
Ta-da! You have a headband holder! If you make it the correct length, you can just slide it into your shelf and not have to worry about screws or anything to hold it up.
So, did you enjoy the craft? And what do you think of the updates? Do you have any suggestions for the blog?
Courtney ^_^
And the next improvement is crafts! And even better news, I have one for you today! Today's craft is...a headband holder!
What you will need for this craft is:
Paper towel rolls (This will fit in a shelf so you will need to see how many you will need. I used a paper towel roll and a toilet paper roll for mine.)
Water (For the paint)
First you'll need to paint the base coat on the rolls. I like pink and green together, so that what I used, but you can use any color.
Then you can paint your second color. I couldn't decide whether I liked dots or stripes, so I picked both. You can get really creative and do different designs and more than two colors if you want.
Ta-da! You have a headband holder! If you make it the correct length, you can just slide it into your shelf and not have to worry about screws or anything to hold it up.
So, did you enjoy the craft? And what do you think of the updates? Do you have any suggestions for the blog?
Courtney ^_^
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Been busy...but still here!
Hello readers! I know, I'm super bad at posting every day. So today we're going to talk about random things. For starters, let's talk about anime/manga.
Yet another thing that's Japanese! Anime and manga is cool because 1. It's easy to draw. And 2. It looks cool. Anime is a special style where the eyes are big, the hair is exaggerated, and the clothes are super cute. There aren't many rules, and you're required to bring your own style to it. Maybe I'll post some of my random anime/manga drawings here! What do you think of that? ^_^
Now keep in mind anime/manga isn't for everybody. I have a friend who said and I quote: "I don't like anime because the hair is always in they're face and the eyes are like, huge." Okay, so maybe it wasn't an exact quote, but close to it. So if you don't like it, that is perfectly acceptable.
I have to go do something, so I'll update in a little bit. ^_^
Yet another thing that's Japanese! Anime and manga is cool because 1. It's easy to draw. And 2. It looks cool. Anime is a special style where the eyes are big, the hair is exaggerated, and the clothes are super cute. There aren't many rules, and you're required to bring your own style to it. Maybe I'll post some of my random anime/manga drawings here! What do you think of that? ^_^
Now keep in mind anime/manga isn't for everybody. I have a friend who said and I quote: "I don't like anime because the hair is always in they're face and the eyes are like, huge." Okay, so maybe it wasn't an exact quote, but close to it. So if you don't like it, that is perfectly acceptable.
I have to go do something, so I'll update in a little bit. ^_^
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Quiz Day!
Hello readers! It's Thursday, which, (of course,) means it's quiz day! This week's quiz is...(dun dun dah!)
What part of a bento are you?
1. It's picture day and all the clubs are taking they're pictures. You...
a. Jump in anytime you see a picture being taken
b. Get your picture taken with the club your in
c. Make sure you're not in the picture when it's taken
2. At a party, you're usually...
a. The center of attention
b. Hanging with a few of your friends
c. The wall flower
3. When the teacher needs volunteers, you...
a. Volunteer right away
b. Volunteer after a few people have already volunteered
c. Don't volunteer at all
4. You usually hang out with...
a. No one in particular. I hang with someone diffrent everyday!
b. My close friends
c. Myself
5. My favorite kind of food is...
a. Spicy
b. Sweet
c. Not too spicy but not too sweet
Mostly a's
You're the life of the party! And the bento!
Mostly b's
You may not be the center of attention in the bento, but you're still important!
Mostly c's
You may go unnoticed in the bento, but without you, it wouldn't be the same!
Well, that was this week's quiz! Did you enjoy it? What did you get? I got mostly b's. See you next week!
Courtney ^_^
What part of a bento are you?
1. It's picture day and all the clubs are taking they're pictures. You...
a. Jump in anytime you see a picture being taken
b. Get your picture taken with the club your in
c. Make sure you're not in the picture when it's taken
2. At a party, you're usually...
a. The center of attention
b. Hanging with a few of your friends
c. The wall flower
3. When the teacher needs volunteers, you...
a. Volunteer right away
b. Volunteer after a few people have already volunteered
c. Don't volunteer at all
4. You usually hang out with...
a. No one in particular. I hang with someone diffrent everyday!
b. My close friends
c. Myself
5. My favorite kind of food is...
a. Spicy
b. Sweet
c. Not too spicy but not too sweet
Mostly a's
You're the life of the party! And the bento!
Mostly b's
You may not be the center of attention in the bento, but you're still important!
Mostly c's
You may go unnoticed in the bento, but without you, it wouldn't be the same!
Well, that was this week's quiz! Did you enjoy it? What did you get? I got mostly b's. See you next week!
Courtney ^_^
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Book Suggestion!
Hello my amazing readers! I'm so happy because my blog got 4 pageviews yesterday. 4! Okay, so it's not that much, but don't rob me from my excitement.
You know what happens on Wednesdays! And if you don't, don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Book suggestion day! This week's book suggestion is Tree Castle Island.
It isn't a series, but it's still good. It's about this boy who goes down the Okefenokee in a canoe he made. He winds up with some bad luck, but he winds up finding out that he has a, actually, I shouldn't say this because it's one of the biggest turns in the book. So check out of your library and read it! Find out what I was going to say!
Speaking of librarys, I need to head by mine. Oh! And if any of you have a book suggestion, post it in the comments! I will probably wind up reading it!
Courtney ^_^
You know what happens on Wednesdays! And if you don't, don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Book suggestion day! This week's book suggestion is Tree Castle Island.
It isn't a series, but it's still good. It's about this boy who goes down the Okefenokee in a canoe he made. He winds up with some bad luck, but he winds up finding out that he has a, actually, I shouldn't say this because it's one of the biggest turns in the book. So check out of your library and read it! Find out what I was going to say!
Speaking of librarys, I need to head by mine. Oh! And if any of you have a book suggestion, post it in the comments! I will probably wind up reading it!
Courtney ^_^
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Hello to my excellent readers! No one viewed yesterday, which is okay, I understand, I was gone for quite some time. So right now I'm talking to empty internet space. Which is kindof depressing, so hopefully the blog picks up again! It will probably pick up even more after the summer.
I was going to tell you all about my intensive, but since no one's here, I'm not going to elaborate. but if you actually are reading this and have a question, leave me a comment, and I'll answer you! Who knows, maybe I'll even put your comment in this blog post!
Salut! (At least until I get a comment ;)
I was going to tell you all about my intensive, but since no one's here, I'm not going to elaborate. but if you actually are reading this and have a question, leave me a comment, and I'll answer you! Who knows, maybe I'll even put your comment in this blog post!
Salut! (At least until I get a comment ;)
Monday, July 18, 2011
I'm back!!!!
Hello my wonderful readers! (Those of you that are left ;) I am finally back from my ballet intensive! It was amazing! I'll tell you more about it tommorrow.
So, while I was gone, you all must have had an amazing summer as well, and still having one actually. So, I want to know ALL about how your summer has been! (And don't forget the part about how boring the internet was without any new posts on my blog ;D Just kidding, you don't have to tell me that. But if you do, I'm not complaining :)
Tommorrow I'll let you all ask questions about my intensive. And I'll tell you some things too of course!
Salut! (Don't forget to comment!)
Courtney ^_^
So, while I was gone, you all must have had an amazing summer as well, and still having one actually. So, I want to know ALL about how your summer has been! (And don't forget the part about how boring the internet was without any new posts on my blog ;D Just kidding, you don't have to tell me that. But if you do, I'm not complaining :)
Tommorrow I'll let you all ask questions about my intensive. And I'll tell you some things too of course!
Salut! (Don't forget to comment!)
Courtney ^_^
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sorry readers!
Sorry readers! I haven't blogged in forever and I leave for my ballet intensive tommorrow! I might have internet though. But I won't elaborate on that.
I haven't been up to much. I've been trying to get ready for my intensive, getting things together, breaking-in my pointe shoes. ('breaking-in' a pointe shoe is when we dancers bend and soften our pointe shoes. There are many techniques from doors to hammers.) And today when my mom and I are packing stuff up, I crash my toe in a mirror stand and (not trying to be gross) my toe starts bleeding. But don't worry, I'm okay. And I tried pointe tonight and my toe doesn't hurt.
That's all for now!
Bon Voyage! (That's French for 'Good Voyage!')
Courtney ^_^
I haven't been up to much. I've been trying to get ready for my intensive, getting things together, breaking-in my pointe shoes. ('breaking-in' a pointe shoe is when we dancers bend and soften our pointe shoes. There are many techniques from doors to hammers.) And today when my mom and I are packing stuff up, I crash my toe in a mirror stand and (not trying to be gross) my toe starts bleeding. But don't worry, I'm okay. And I tried pointe tonight and my toe doesn't hurt.
That's all for now!
Bon Voyage! (That's French for 'Good Voyage!')
Courtney ^_^
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Book Suggestion
Hello readers! I have to get ready for art, so a quick book suggestion today!
This week's book suggestion is the Trackers series by Patrick Carmen. It's about this genius kid named Adam who has developed a bunch of things like security and more for computers. But, his work gets stolen and he's forced to do what the theives want him to do. If he doesn't, or if he calls the police, they put all his work on the internet, where anyone can take his work and call it their own. Adam and his friends decide to try and trick the theives and get back Adam's work before time's up.
What really makes this book interesting is not only the storyline, but how it's written. It's written as an interview with Adam from the view of an inspector. Plus there are videos on the Trackers website. You just type in a code from the book and you can watch the corresponding video. And if you don't have a computer handy, there's a written version of the video in the back.
Well that's this week's book suggestion! Don't forget to come back next week for another, and tommorrow for a quiz!
Courtney ^_^
This week's book suggestion is the Trackers series by Patrick Carmen. It's about this genius kid named Adam who has developed a bunch of things like security and more for computers. But, his work gets stolen and he's forced to do what the theives want him to do. If he doesn't, or if he calls the police, they put all his work on the internet, where anyone can take his work and call it their own. Adam and his friends decide to try and trick the theives and get back Adam's work before time's up.
What really makes this book interesting is not only the storyline, but how it's written. It's written as an interview with Adam from the view of an inspector. Plus there are videos on the Trackers website. You just type in a code from the book and you can watch the corresponding video. And if you don't have a computer handy, there's a written version of the video in the back.
Well that's this week's book suggestion! Don't forget to come back next week for another, and tommorrow for a quiz!
Courtney ^_^
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Hello readers, I've been busy the past few days, so I'll try to update and catch up with you.
Saturday was spent mostly with my amazing friends! We had a sleepover! Unfortunately one of my friends is moving, so that was the main reason. But we had a blast!
Sunday was spent with my awesome parents! They do so much for me, they are truly unbelievable!
Monday was a school day. Yes I still have school to do! Mainly reading and math. Unfortunately I can't stand math. And I love to read, but it does build on itself.
And today. I can't tell you about ballet because my ballet is out! Yes, compleletly done for the year. Now for summer intensives. So today I went with my mom to her hair stylist. Have you heard about the lastest trend? Feathers? I want to get one! This trend is actually cool. But, I can't get one with my summer intensive, because they say no hair accessories. But, there are feather clips that look exactly like the real thing and you can take them on and off. I'm saving my money!
Then we went shopping for clothes for the summer. I found the coolest shoes. They were boots, but the foot part, (get this,) was a flip flop! It was the coolest thing! I didn't get them, but still!
I wound up getting a nightie, and the most gorgeous dress!!! Have you all seen Lemonade Mouth? I <3 that movie. The girl, Mo? It looks like somthing she would wear. It's navy with white polka dots and has a red belt.
Book suggestion tommorrow!
Courtney ^_^
Saturday was spent mostly with my amazing friends! We had a sleepover! Unfortunately one of my friends is moving, so that was the main reason. But we had a blast!
Sunday was spent with my awesome parents! They do so much for me, they are truly unbelievable!
Monday was a school day. Yes I still have school to do! Mainly reading and math. Unfortunately I can't stand math. And I love to read, but it does build on itself.
And today. I can't tell you about ballet because my ballet is out! Yes, compleletly done for the year. Now for summer intensives. So today I went with my mom to her hair stylist. Have you heard about the lastest trend? Feathers? I want to get one! This trend is actually cool. But, I can't get one with my summer intensive, because they say no hair accessories. But, there are feather clips that look exactly like the real thing and you can take them on and off. I'm saving my money!
Then we went shopping for clothes for the summer. I found the coolest shoes. They were boots, but the foot part, (get this,) was a flip flop! It was the coolest thing! I didn't get them, but still!
I wound up getting a nightie, and the most gorgeous dress!!! Have you all seen Lemonade Mouth? I <3 that movie. The girl, Mo? It looks like somthing she would wear. It's navy with white polka dots and has a red belt.
Book suggestion tommorrow!
Courtney ^_^
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Quiz Day!
Salut readers! (Salut means both hi and bye in French.) You know what Thursday means...so this week's quiz is...(drumroll please...)
What type of book would you write?
1. My favorite type of shoes are:
(a Boots
(b Flats
(c Sneakers
2. My favorite board game is:
(b Mystery Date
(c Clue
3. Field trip to the zoo! You and your friends head straight for:
(a The tiger yards
(b The flamingo habitat
(c Who knows? We'll know when we get there!
4. You have yet another report due before summer. This time your supposed to write about King Arthur, so you decide to write about:
(a His famous wars and knights
(b The story between him and Queen Guinevere
(c The fact supporting (and not supporting) his existence
5. Summer is here! What do you do first?
(a Pack up for my summer camp
(b Go for a family picnic
(c Head to the library for a book club
Mostly A's
There's an adventure book inside you just waiting to be written!
Mostly B's
A romance book is the book you'll be known for!
Mostly C's
A mystery book written by you would be great!
Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! (I got an adventure book.) so, which book did you get? Be sure you comment and tell me because I have a related surprise for you tommorrow!
Courtney ^_^
What type of book would you write?
1. My favorite type of shoes are:
(a Boots
(b Flats
(c Sneakers
2. My favorite board game is:
(b Mystery Date
(c Clue
3. Field trip to the zoo! You and your friends head straight for:
(a The tiger yards
(b The flamingo habitat
(c Who knows? We'll know when we get there!
4. You have yet another report due before summer. This time your supposed to write about King Arthur, so you decide to write about:
(a His famous wars and knights
(b The story between him and Queen Guinevere
(c The fact supporting (and not supporting) his existence
5. Summer is here! What do you do first?
(a Pack up for my summer camp
(b Go for a family picnic
(c Head to the library for a book club
Mostly A's
There's an adventure book inside you just waiting to be written!
Mostly B's
A romance book is the book you'll be known for!
Mostly C's
A mystery book written by you would be great!
Hope you enjoyed this week's quiz! (I got an adventure book.) so, which book did you get? Be sure you comment and tell me because I have a related surprise for you tommorrow!
Courtney ^_^
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Book Suggestion!
It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a book suggestion! Or rather, a book series suggestion! So this week's book series suggestion is The 39 Clues.
The main plot of the series is about two kids, Dan and Amy, who are part of the most powerful family in history: the Cahills. When their grandmother dies, they learn all about this and the secret to the family's power which is hidden in 39 clues left around the globe. Before you know it, Dan and Amy are chasing the clues with their au pair, Nellie. They face all kinds of dangers, from rival family members, to the mysterious Madrigals.
This is a really good series. It can be kind of sad at times, but there's always a bit of comic relief. There are 10 books in the first series, and they are coming out with a second series. Plus along with the books there are card packs you can get. With each card pack and book comes some cards and codes. You can then go onto their website! You can sign up, find out which branch of the Cahill family you belong to, and then start your own hunt for the 39 clues!
And if you've already read the series and signed up online, what branch are you? And how many clues have YOU found?
Courtney ^_^
The main plot of the series is about two kids, Dan and Amy, who are part of the most powerful family in history: the Cahills. When their grandmother dies, they learn all about this and the secret to the family's power which is hidden in 39 clues left around the globe. Before you know it, Dan and Amy are chasing the clues with their au pair, Nellie. They face all kinds of dangers, from rival family members, to the mysterious Madrigals.
This is a really good series. It can be kind of sad at times, but there's always a bit of comic relief. There are 10 books in the first series, and they are coming out with a second series. Plus along with the books there are card packs you can get. With each card pack and book comes some cards and codes. You can then go onto their website! You can sign up, find out which branch of the Cahill family you belong to, and then start your own hunt for the 39 clues!
And if you've already read the series and signed up online, what branch are you? And how many clues have YOU found?
Courtney ^_^
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bad news!
Yes readers, there is some bad news. And unfortunatly, I must share it. So I won't prolong it any longer. Here it is:
I know, I'm upset about it too. Because I'm going to a ballet intensive this summer, and I'll be staying in a dorm, I may not have acess to a computer. Which means aside from the friends I make up there, I will be cut off from the world. The regular world anyway. I'll be in the ballet world. Which actually isn't bad.
But don't worry! When I get back from my intensive, I'll be sure to pick up and proceed as usual. So...
Courtney ^_^
I know, I'm upset about it too. Because I'm going to a ballet intensive this summer, and I'll be staying in a dorm, I may not have acess to a computer. Which means aside from the friends I make up there, I will be cut off from the world. The regular world anyway. I'll be in the ballet world. Which actually isn't bad.
But don't worry! When I get back from my intensive, I'll be sure to pick up and proceed as usual. So...
Courtney ^_^
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Get to know Courtney!
Hello my amazing readers! Today is Sunday, so I'll be answering your questions! (About me, life, ballet, food, whatever. As long as it's within reason) So go ahead and leave a comment and I'll post it here and answer you!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Hello readers! Today after ballet class, I decided to make a bento for lunch. And I remembered to take a picture of it for you! Here it is:
This is more of a colorful bento. Here is how to make in case you'd like to try:
1. Slice an orange in half and place in your bento box. (This box can be any container, just as long as everything fits compactly)
2. Fill a paper cupcake holder with carrots and then place beside orange.
3. Take two chocolate doughnuts and place them each in a paper cupcake holder.
4. Place a mini-baguette in your bento.
And that's it! Simple right? I'll probably do some more bentos and with practice, soon you'll be able to create your own bentos!
Courtney ^_^
This is more of a colorful bento. Here is how to make in case you'd like to try:
1. Slice an orange in half and place in your bento box. (This box can be any container, just as long as everything fits compactly)
2. Fill a paper cupcake holder with carrots and then place beside orange.
3. Take two chocolate doughnuts and place them each in a paper cupcake holder.
4. Place a mini-baguette in your bento.
And that's it! Simple right? I'll probably do some more bentos and with practice, soon you'll be able to create your own bentos!
Courtney ^_^
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